TR Envision 5.0 / TR SQL 9.0 - Release Notes

Inventory Management

D619691-A - A new Item Type setting at the system and customer levels for Restrict permout/destroy based on child item settings is available. When enabled, the parent item will be restricted from retrieval, removal or destruction according to applicable hold restrictions in place on any item at the child level. (RM)

D616384 (Envision Only) - Added the ability for the Retention Import to allow a hierarchy value for Retention Base Date and levels 2-4, as well as Retention Base Date (2) levels 2-4. (RM)

D617053 (Envision Only) - Within the Item QBE > File Match a tab was added for Text so a listing or copy paste of information may be entered and searched upon. (RM)

D624389 (Envision Only) - When accessing the Manage > Inventory > Query By Example (QBE) screen, the Customer Name column has been added to the grid to provide the Customer ID and Customer Name in the grid. (RM)

D619662 (Envision Only) - Provide a Select All option to select all records returned when performing a Provider Process Log search. (RM)

D576676 (Envision Only) - Updated the Retention Import Utility to accept and update User Defined and other text fields to blank if mapping results in a blank value. (RM)

D575624 (Envision Only) - Added option “Clear all filter levels prior to import” to the Retention Import Utility to ensure only filters from the current file are utilized if enabled. (RM)

D611499 (Envision Only) - Added option to File Match in the QBE Do Not Include Search Value. When selected, the file that is saved will not include the search value from the original file. (RM)

D619733-A (Envision Only) - Added the ability to link images by reference and storage code across or restricted by customer or storage code. (RM)

D620154 (Envision Only) - Added additional editing options after scanning or editing attached digital images. (RM)

D616384-A (Envision Only) - Updated Retention Import Utility option Clear UD and Text Fields option to also allow blank assignment or update of mapped fields when importing (RM)

D618550 (Envision Only) - During the File Match process if an issue is encountered to prevent further processing of the row in the data file, the <OK> button on the system message displayed will continue through the process to the next line in the data file and the <Cancel> button will exit the File Match process altogether. (RM)

Customer Management

D620421 - Include the Fuel Surcharge Type, Surcharge Code and Surcharge Percentage in the Customer query builder to facilitate updates to Fuel Surcharge settings in the Customer Flowdown process. (RM and DM)

D608408 (Envision Only) - An option has been added to the System > Functional Business Unit menu option for Do not show Discontinued Service customers in customer search. When this option is enabled, any Customer marked Discontinue Service will be filtered from the Select Customer screens available throughout the application. If the option is not enabled, then Customers marked Discontinue Service will remain visible in the Select Customer screens. (RM and DM)

D620929-A (Envision Only) - Customized Invoice and Work Order settings are available at the Customer level using the <Report Settings> button on the Customer screen. The Report Settings screen contains sections for the Invoice Report Settings, Work Order Report Settings and Web Work Order Report Settings. Report Settings are also available in the Customer Flowdown process. (RM And DM)

PLEASE NOTE: The Invoice, Work Order and Web Work Order Report Settings available in the Report Settings are applicable to standard system reports and any new custom reports created after the release of the Envision release version. Existing custom reports created prior to the Envision release version are not affected by any Report Settings changes applied at the Customer level in the system. If any of the Report Settings changes are needed on an existing custom report created before the release of Envision a new report request will be needed to enact any Report Settings specified.

D621884 (Envision Only) - In the customer selection screens where customers are being selected for update, such as the Manage > Customer > Customer Flow Down, the Manage > Customer > Update Customer Service Code screen, and other locations, a checkbox column has been added for the user to be able to select the customers that are being updated. In addition, a view of the customers that have been selected has been added to the right-hand side of the screen. (RM and DM)

D624241 (Envision Only) - When accessing the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu option and selecting the View Scheduled Dates button, the Department field has been added to the Search section to be able to narrow down the listing of dates that are being viewed by Department. (RM and DM)

D593068 (Envision Only) - Added Customer Flow Down setups for invoicing report options to include or not include multiple fields and values. Report Settings button added to customer card to manage settings on single customer basis. (RM and DM)

D615074 (Envision Only) - Added Customer Flow Down setups for work order report options to include or not include multiple fields and values for Customer Report Settings. (RM and DM)

D593068 (Envision Only) - New Customer Reporting option that allows selection of certain fields or information to be displayed or hidden on invoices (This requires a parameter update to be enabled, please contact DHS Support if interested.) (RM and DM)

D619651(Envision Only) - Added System Lookup ability for Net Term assignment. (RM and DM)

D614593 (Envision Only) - Added an FBU option to get first # of characters from Default Customer Warehouse instead of Customer Description for the Copy Customer process (RM and DM)

D615074-B (Envision Only) - New Customer Reporting option that allows selection of certain fields or information to be displayed or hidden on work orders (This requires a parameter update to be enabled, please contact DHS Support if interested.) (RM and DM)

*D624088 (Envision Only) - The Total Recall Envision application has been updated to include a Quoting process in which quotes can be sent to the Prospective Clients. This feature is on the Quotes tab of the Prospective Clients, which are located in the Manage > Customer > Prospective Clients menu option. In addition, the System > Terms and Conditions menu option has been added to ensure that when the quotes are created, the Terms and Conditions can be selected that should be placed onto the quote that is being sent to the Prospective Client. Lastly, the System > Quote Email Templates menu has been added to create template quotes that can be established for when the quote is being sent to the customer. (RM and DM)

*D624087 (Envision Only) - The Quote sent to the Prospective Client from the main Envision program will contain a link to the View Quote page in the Envision Web application. The Prospective Client can review the Quote, accept the services, terms, sign the quote digitally and accept the quote. Prospective Clients can view current quotes and previous Quotes by clicking on the link in the email received. (RM and DM)

*D624337 (Envision Only) - Start the Quote process on the Envision Web to create a new Prospective Client and request follow-up. (RM and DM)

*PLEASE NOTE: This functionality is associated with the Prospective Client functionality, which requires a license update to enable. For further information on the Prospective Client functionality, please contact DHS Worldwide’s Sales Department

Work Order Management

D618284-A - Updated Manual Delivery Time Setup to support Same Day and Skip Week (Due Next Week) functionality. (RM and DM)

D622788-A - New FBU option Enforce Valid Due Date Reason. When enabled a reason must be selected when manually updating a work order Due Date. (RM and DM)

D624049-A - New Customer option to prompt on save of New Manual Work Order if multiple projects. (RM and DM)

D600961-A - Added Project Field to the Work Order Notes, and the option to enable Project assignment to invoice lines to the customer. (RM and DM)

D624127-A - Use the Exclude from requestor work order created/updated events setting at the system WO Type level to indicate which work orders will be exclude form customer event notification (work order created, work order status or due date changes, etc.). (RM and DM)

D618532 (Envision Only) - Allow the use of right-click option “Clear All Print Flags” option on billed work orders. (RM and DM)

D603201 (Envision Only) - Include the Item Type and the Parent Item Code parameters in the Requestor Work Order Line Created event. (RM)

D622615 (Envision Only) - When accessing the Manage > Scheduled Work Order > Edit Scheduled Work Order menu option, the Scheduled Work Orders that are in the listing can be sorted using the column headers. (RM and DM)

D624172-A (Envision Only) - When accessing the Manage > Scheduled Work Order > New Scheduled Work Order (or opening an existing Scheduled Work Order), the Project field has been added to the work order header section. This can be used to select a Project that this Scheduled Work Order was created for. (RM and DM)

Billing and Invoicing

D604556-A - An option has been added to FBU Options in the All Programs tab for Enforce Customer and Service Code on Recurring Charge. When this option is enabled, the Customer, Service Code, and Price fields are mandatory when adding a Recurring Charge into the Billing > Recurring Charge menu option. Also, include new FBU options for Default "Ignore if no other invoice lines" on new recurring charge and Default "Ignore if invoice total is zero" on new recurring charge for enabling the corresponding options when adding new Recurring Charges. (RM and DM)

D623281 (Envision Only) - When the invoicing process is being performed in the Billing > Create Invoices menu option, as the customers and the work orders are being moved to the right-hand side of the screen, indicating that they are going to go through the invoicing process, the Next and Previous buttons at the bottom of the screen are going to be disabled to ensure that all of the information can be loaded prior to the user going to the next screen. (RM and DM)

D623653 (Envision Only) - The ability for Alternate Invoice ID Group has been added to the system. First, the System > Functional Business Unit option needs to be enabled for Use Invoice Alternate ID Groups. When this option is enabled and the groups have been established on the System > Functional Business Unit menu option on the Settings tab by selecting the Invoice Alternate ID button, the group can be established on the customer in the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu option on the Billing 3 tab in the Invoice Alternate ID Group section. Establishing all of the settings will provide an Alternate ID when the invoice is closed and this Alternate ID is going to be available in the Billing > View Invoices menu option. (RM and DM)

D624167 (Envision Only) - When accessing the Service Codes, either through the System > Service Code > Service Code menu option or through the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu option and selecting the Service Code option, when the Price Range button is selected, the option to calculate the Price Range based on the Work Order Line is now available. An example of this calculation is when a Miscellaneous line is added to the work order with a quantity of 10. If a Price Range for that Service Code is established, it would be calculated on this individual work order line, and any additional work order lines for both that work order and additional work orders that are created. (RM and DM)

D605498 (Envision Only) - When payments are being made to the invoices, a new option for ACH Payment is now available. When this option is selected, the user has the ability to pay the invoice using ACH Payment processing. (RM and DM)

D609767 (Envision Only) - Added a field for GL Code on Tax Codes. (RM and DM)

D612236-A (Envision Only) - Two additional options were added to Recurring Charges, Charge only once per calendar month and Use Customer Default Warehouse (if not set). (RM and DM)

Envision Warehouse

D606214 - Added Warehouse Setting Use Work Order Line Warehouse. When enabled the picklist will query by the Work Order Line Warehouse assignment not the Item Warehouse Assignment. (RM)

D607781 - Added checkbox selector in the batch portion of picklist screen. (RM)

D621077 - After creating a picklist, use the Verify by Scan right-click menu option to display the Verify screen to allow for manually updating the line item’s verified status, relocate the item to a new location and/or assign the item to a Case/Bundle – similar to the Verify WO Line process when editing a work order. (RM)

D606214 - Added Warehouse Setting Use Work Order Line Warehouse. When enabled the picklist will query by the Work Order Line Warehouse assignment not the Item Warehouse Assignment. (RM)

D606463 - Added the ability to query by wild card % within the location fields i.e. If "%" is in the beginning of the search value, the system will perform an end with. "%01008" If "%" is in the end of the search value, the system will perform a start with. "01001%" If "%" is in the beginning and end of the search value, the system will perform a contains. "%099%" If "%" is NOT in the beginning or end of the search value, the system will perform an exact. "0109901" (RM)

D612361 - Updated Custom Import processing for faster processing times. (RM)

*D624109 - An option has been added to the main application for Use Miscellaneous Productivity Work Order Lines to the System > Parameters menu option. When this option is enabled, the Warehouse > Productivity > Track Productivity screen has been updated to include the Work Order, Create Misc. Line for Quantity, and Create Misc. Line for Time options. This allows the user to add this productivity information to an existing work order in the system and a line is going to be created for this productivity. (RM)

*D616146 - Added Customer and Project filters to the Productivity History screen. (RM)

*D616147 - Added a sum of total hours to the bottom of the Productivity History screen. (RM)

*D616148 - Added Department as an assignable value to Track Productivity screen. (RM)

*D608053 - Moved Productivity History User Team to first useable filter. When User Team is assigned Users is now filtered by members of the selected team only. (RM)

*PLEASE NOTE: This functionality is associated with the Productivity Tracking functionality, which requires a license update to enable. For further information on the Productivity functionality, please contact DHS Worldwide’s Sales Department

**D601142 - Product notification added for Product quantity on hand below reorder quantity and Requested By Product quantity on hand below reorder quantity. (Warehousing)

**D598800 - Added Cancel Request option in the Manual Restock/Pull screen. When utilized the action will be cancelled and a work order will not be created for that action. (Warehousing)

**D621756 - An option has been added to the handheld scanner that is located in the System > Parameters menu option and is named Enforce Product Pick Quantity. When this option is enabled and users are using the picklist to pull product from the warehouse, the quantity that is entered as the number of product that is pulled from the warehouse cannot be greater than the requested number of product that the customer has requested. If a greater number I entered, the user is going to receive a message indicating “You cannot pull more than the requested amount”. (Warehousing)

**PLEASE NOTE: This functionality is associated with the Warehousing functionality, which requires a license update to enable. For further information on the Warehousing functionality, please contact DHS Worldwide’s Sales Department

Envision Dispatch

D610098 - When accessing the Dispatch Batch screen and opening a batch, select the Process Orders button and the number of work orders that are being processed on this batch are going to be listed at the top of the screen. In addition, when in the Process Orders screen, select the three dots in the top right-hand corner of the screen and select Batch Summary to see an overview of the tasks that are going to be performed on this batch. (RM and DM)

D624489 - Delivery Windows can be set on the Customer account and/or at the Site level to indicate available delivery times on days of the week. The Delivery Windows entered are applicable to optimizing routes in the Dispatch Explorer using Trimble Maps. (RM and DM)

PLEASE NOTE: Any existing Trimble Maps API Key already configured in the Dispatch Group Settings screen prior to the Envision upgrade will need to be updated with a new API Key from Trimble Maps in order to use Delivery Windows. Service time per work order will be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes.

D620672 - Calculate and display Estimated Arrival Time, Estimated Completion Time in Dispatch and show Order Status, Arrival Time and Completion time. (RM and DM)

D620670 - Drive Time, Service Time, and Total Time are calculated on the Scheduling Calendar. (These require enabling new Dispatch Group, and Android Scanner settings) (RM and DM)

D617365 - Added ability to utilize Trimble Maps API. (RM and DM) (To learn more about Trimble Maps, please contact DHS Worldwide)

D624065 - Updates have been made to the Device Interface screen of the Dispatch > Dispatch Explorer menu option to ensure that the Item Not Picked Up message is being displayed if the functionality of Enable Dispatch Do Not Pick Up is being utilized. (RM)

D624068 - When accessing the Dispatch > Dispatch Explorer menu option, the route ZZZZZ has been updated to indicate No Route Assigned, which indicates that the Work Order or Scheduled Work Order is not assigned to a route and would need to be moved to a route prior to being placed onto a batch. (RM and DM)

D624164-A - When utilizing the functionality that the Storage Code can be updated on an item using the handheld scanner, when the update is performed in Dispatch, the wording [TR User] updated storage code for item [Item Barcode] on Work Order [Work Order Number] will be displayed in the Device Interface screen of the batch that the update was performed on. (RM)

D621756 - Use the File > Handhelds > Handheld Settings menu option to access the Gun Settings Group screen to set a default System Parameter setting for the Enforce Product Pick Quantity option. When this option is set to True and users are using the picklist to pull Products on a Picklist, the recommended quantity for that Product Pull line cannot be exceeded. If a greater number is entered, the user is going to receive a message indicating “You cannot pull more than the requested amount”. (Warehousing)

D624231 - Use the File > Handhelds > Handheld Settings menu option to access the Gun Settings Group screen to set a default System Parameter setting for the Dispatch warehouse not scanned option. This option, when set to True, will require that the device user types in a reason why not all items were scanned off the truck before a Send Final Dispatch Batch action can occur. The reason entered on the device will be written to a system-level event for the notification of specified recipients. (RM)

D621977 - When accessing the Dispatch > Dispatch Explorer menu option, right- clicking on the date on the left-hand side of the screen and selecting Show Location on Map (after validating the locations), the user now has the ability to drag-and-drop the orders on the left-hand side of the screen to a different route for the day. (RM and DM)

D621977-A - When accessing the Dispatch > Dispatch Explorer menu option, right- clicking on the date on the left-hand side of the screen and selecting Show Location on Map (after validating the locations), a Refresh button has been added. If updates are made to the stops either in the map or in the Dispatch Explorer screen, the Refresh button can be selected to refresh the stops on the left-hand side of the screen and the corresponding map. (RM and DM)

D621977-B - When accessing the Dispatch > Dispatch Explorer menu option, right- clicking on the date on the left-hand side of the screen and selecting Show Location on Map (after validating the locations), a checkbox field has been added to the left-hand side of each of the routes for the day. Selecting one of the checkboxes (or multiple checkboxes) will filter the map to only display the routes that are selected. (RM and DM)

D621977-C - The Dispatch > Dispatch Explorer menu option has been updated to include the assigned driver(s) to the Batch Header section of the batch. (RM and DM)

D623704-A - An option has been added to the Dispatch > Dispatch Group Settings menu option for Restrict Route to User’s Warehouse. Please note that this option is only available when the option for Enable Filter on Warehouse is enabled. When enabling the option for Restrict Route to User’s Warehouse, the listing of Routes that the user will be able to see in the Dispatch > Dispatch Explorer menu option will be limited to the Routes that have the user’s Default Warehouse set. (RM and DM)

D617618-A - Added an option to execute a build out of the next year worth of dates for scheduled orders where the dates have all expired. (RM and DM)

D611683 - Customer name is included in the details box when selecting a stop in the Google Maps screen. (RM and DM)

Envision Android Scanning Operations

D616215 - When on the handheld scanner and viewing the listing of work orders that need to be processed under the Process Orders screen, the listing of orders are going to be in order of the Sequence number that is on the work order. This number is derived from the Scheduled Work Order when this is run and the real work order is created. In addition, when opening a batch and selecting the Work Order Details button, the Department that the work order is associated to is going to be listed. If no Department is assigned to the work order, this field is not going to be displayed on the handheld scanner in the Work Order Details screen. (RM and DM)

D624231-A - An option has been added to the handheld scanner that is located in the System > Parameters menu option and is named Dispatch Warehouse Not Scanned Reason. When this option is enabled and the driver has not scanned items back to the warehouse using the Unload Truck functionality and the Send button is selected on the batch, the driver will need to enter a reason as to why the items were not scanned using the Unload Truck process. (RM)

D617199 - Added the option “Dispatch show site note with WO note to handheld”. When enabled in the Work Order Details section of the batch any Site Notes will appear with Work Order Notes. (RM and DM)

D620672-A - Added the option “Enable dispatch arrival time” to allow drivers to record arrival time per order. (RM and DM)

D608457 - When utilizing the load truck screen the option to load by customer has been implemented. (RM)

D605412 - When the handheld option Enable dispatch do not pick up is enabled the user will have the option to mark items as not picked up and to enter a comment. The items marked as not picked up in this method will not show in the unload truck process. (RM)

D607816 - When scanning a child level item in the Child Transfer process and the Image Prompt is enabled it will automatically open the camera after scanning the child item. (RM)

D613861 - New Workflow Option “Update item storage code from valid location” that allows an item’s current storage code assignment to update to the valid location’s storage code assignment from a Bulk or Scan to Work Order Scan. (RM)

D624424 - When accessing the Warehouse Operations > Item Put Away screen and either an invalid parent is scanned or an invalid item is scanned, a prompt is going to be received on the handheld scanner of what the message is, instead of the message just being displayed at the bottom of the screen. (RM)

D624159 - When viewing the App Permissions on the handheld scanner for the Total Recall Envision application (clicking and holding on the icon and selecting App Info), ensure that the version that is listed in the App Info page is the version of the application that is installed on the handheld scanner. (RM and DM)

D606160 - When the handheld option Validate before removing dash is enabled and a barcode is scanned that contains a true dash it will validate the barcode with the dash before removing it to use normal processing. (RM)

Envision Client Web

D618232 - Changed the Global Action process to present please wait message for multiple items being moved to the cart. (RM)

D618050 - Update to improve performance when displaying item queries results. (RM)

D611046 - Added the ability to match on work order code within the Order History search screen. (RM)

D605981 - Added the ability to search for items by multiple departments, not just a single selection or All selection. (RM)

D613517 - Security Update: Update to the version of JQuery that is being used for the Envision Web Application to 3.6.0. (RM and DM)

D619733 - Added the ability to view images linked across storage codes. This may be restricted by customer and or storage code or viewed across multiple. (RM)


D612181-A - The Department field has been included as a search field and is included in the results set returned after executing a query form the Query Builder against the Authorized Contacts table. Department can be used for sorting results and can also be exported to external file, as needed. (RM and DM)

D619577-A The Case/Bundle field has been included as a search field and is included in the results set returned after executing a query form the Query Builder against the Item table. Case/Bundle can be used for sorting results and can also be exported to external file, as needed. (RM)

D561003-A (Envision Only) - Added a new report to the Reports Monitor to indicate if there were any stops that were missed by the drivers for the date range indicated. This report can be emailed to an internal team member on any desired frequency (RM and DM)

D615038 (Envision Only) - Label set up options are available at the FBU to customize barcode label size, layout and format when printed from the Item QBE, the Edit Item screen, the work order line, the Destruction Bin QBE, Case / Bundle QBE, the warehouse picklist, Reserved Labels and the Location QBE screen. (RM and DM)

D614648 (Envision Only) - Report Queries marked for Auto Run in the Export Settings can all be run at the same time using the Windows Task Scheduler to execute the Envision Application when the Q argument. Specific Report Queries can be executed using the Windows Task Scheduler with Q argument and the specific Report Query name, whether it is marked for Auto Run or not. (RM and DM)

D613031 (Envision Only) - Report Query export options include exporting to an Excel file format (.xlsx) or to a delimited text file format using either comma, tab, pipe or tilde delimiter (RM and DM)

D612844 (Envision Only) - When a Report Query is set to Auto Run then any Report Query that uses a Warehouse parameter the Warehouse will be set according to the system user specified for Auto Run in the Windows Task Schedule. The Warehouse selector is available in the Metrics Query and will use the logged in system users default Warehouse assigned. (RM and DM)

D614647 (Envision Only) - Customized Report Queries can be managed in the Envision application by using the right-click menu in the Report Query screen to either copy the standard Report Query or create a new one. (RM and DM)

D624316 (Envision Only) - When printing the Items Scheduled for Destruction Review - Export report, the item’s Retrieve Date can be calculated for the parent item according to the last retrieve sate of the most recent child or grandchild retrieval by using the new parameter Set Retrieved Date to Show Last Retrieved date of Item Child or Child of Child (caption 15809). (RM)

D624507 (Envision Only) - The Customer User Defined 4 field is included in the Provider Item Counts and Cu Ft Totals by Customer Report Query (RM)

D624508 (Envision Only) - The Customer User Defined 4 field is included in the Provider Item Counts and Cu Ft Totals by Customer and Department Report Query (RM)

D620929-B (Envision Only) - Include the standard Work Order report printed from Envision will consider the new options Department Name without Parent Account Name, the Suppress Volume, Show Only Reference One and Suppress Department available in the Work Order Report Settings sections of the Customer Report Settings screen. (RM and DM)

PLEASE NOTE: The Invoice, Work Order and Web Work Order Report Settings available in the Report Settings are applicable to standard system reports and any new custom reports created after the release of the Envision release version. Existing custom reports created prior to the Envision release version are not affected by any Report Settings changes applied at the Customer level in the system. If any of the Report Settings changes are needed on an existing custom report created before the release of Envision 5.05.4 a new report request will be needed to enact any Report Settings specified.

D624318 (Envision Only) - The Total Charges by Account report is available in the Report Query screen. This report will calculate account charges from the service codes entered / saved in the appropriate search parameters. (RM and DM)

D621620 (Envision Only) - Ad hoc purge work order revenue is reported in the Route, Truck and Territory Information Report Queries. (RM and DM)

D619924-A (Envision Only) - The Customer Bin Assignment Designator (CBAD) close date in is included in the CBAD Information Report Query (DM)

D595125 (Envision Only) - Include the standard report Storage Summary for Selected Date Range (Item004) in the Reports > General Reports menu option. This report will display the storage summary information based on the Item Type selected and the date range provided.(RM)

D622669 (Envision Only) - Include the standard report Customer Transaction Profile (MGMT008) in the Reports > General Reports menu option. This report will display the 12-month transaction profile information based on the Customer range and the date entered. (RM and DM)

D595121 (Envision Only) - The report Invoice Summary by Date is available in the Reports > General Reports menu option. This report will display the invoice information based on the Invoice Date range that is input in. (RM and DM)

D619924 (Envision Only) - The CBAD Information report is included in the Report Query screen and will provide the user with a listing of the CBADs (Bin Locations) in the system, by customer, along with the frequency in which the bin is being serviced, the Site that the bin is assigned to, and the price that the bin is being charged for service. (DM)

D624155-B (Envision Only) - When the standard Invoice report, which is printed from Envision any FBU logo set up in Envision in the Reports > Report Logos > Invoice Logo menu option is printed. (RM and DM)

D619069 (Envision Only) - Include the Quantity column in the General Ledger report. (RM and DM)

D624155 (Envision Only) - Include the Certificate of Destruction in the list of available Invoices at the FBU and Customer levels as a supplemental report to print with the Invoice. The Certificate of Destruction report will include Destruction Bins serviced on work orders billed with the printed Invoice. (DM)

D619069 (Envision Only) - The Invoice Summary by GL Code is included the Report Query screen. When this report is executed, the GL Code, Price, Tax and Total for the invoices in the date range are listed for the invoices within the date range entered (by Invoice Date). (RM and DM)

D623254-A (Envision Only) - The Future Revenue by Work Order Report Query is available. The report query will report the calculated revenue estimate after a Scheduled Task has been executed to calculate the future revenue. Future revenue estimates will be archived in the database for reporting purposes. (RM and DM)

D624062 (Envision Only) - Updates have been made to the Client Rate vs. System Rate report, which is located in the Reports > General Reports menu option, to ensure that the information on the report is being obtained from the proper locations in the system to calculate the correct values onto the report. (RM and DM)

D624225 (Envision Only) - The Item Retrieval by Customer report, which is located in the Reports > General Reports menu option in the Inventory Report Group, has been updated to include the child items that are retrieved as well as the Parent Level item. (RM)

D624227 (Envision Only) - The 4X1 barcode label can be printed from all of the locations in the system: Work Order, Item QBE, Envision Warehouse, and Reserved Labels. In addition, ensure that the barcode is displaying the FBU Description field as the name of the records center on the label. (RM)

D617172 (Envision Only) - Print the Aged Accounts Receivable as of Invoice Date report in either Detail or Summary mode. Detail mode will print line items for each invoice for the customer account, each invoice balance aged accordingly. Summary mode will print a single line item for each customer account, summing the aged balances for each customer. (RM and DM)

D618358 (Envision Only) - The Batch Upload Error report will list any reasons entered in the Envision Mobile application when the application operates with the Do Not Pickup option enabled. (RM)

D618358-A (Envision Only) - The Items Delivered / Returned report will list any reasons entered in the Envision Mobile application when the application operates with the Do Not Pickup option enabled. (RM)

D585056-B (Envision Only) - The Storage Code Unassigned Report Query will report any item assigned to a storage code that is used as the customer’s Unassigned Storage Code in the warehouse selected. The default value for the Warehouse parameter will be the logged in user’s Default Warehouse assignment when executed as a Report Query or when viewing the Report Query screen in Metrics View. (RM)

D612104 (Envision Only) - Viewing the Reports Query screen in Metrics view will display the count Items in an Outbound Staging Location after a day. The default value for the Warehouse parameter will be the logged in user’s Default Warehouse assignment. This metric is also available as a Report Query. The default value for the Warehouse parameter will be the logged in user’s Default Warehouse assignment when executed as a Report Query or when viewing the Report Query screen in Metrics View. (RM)

D612107 (Envision Only) - Viewing the Reports Query screen in Metrics view will display the Price QC. This metric displays the count of Customer Service Codes with 0 price. The default value for the Warehouse parameter will be the logged in user’s Default Warehouse assignment. This metric is also available as a Report Query. The default value for the Warehouse parameter will be the logged in user’s Default Warehouse assignment when executed as a Report Query or when viewing the Report Query screen in Metrics View. (RM and DM)

D612109 (Envision Only) - Viewing the Reports Query screen in Metrics view will show the count of work orders of BRCD/WHSE type that have not been completed within the last five days. The default value for the Warehouse parameter will be the logged in user’s Default Warehouse assignment. This metric is also available as a Report Query. The default value for the Warehouse parameter will be the logged in user’s Default Warehouse assignment when executed as a Report Query or when viewing the Report Query screen in Metrics View. (RM)

D612110 (Envision Only) - Viewing the Reports Query screen in Metrics view will show the count of work orders of BRCD/WHSE type that have no work order lines. The default value for the Warehouse parameter will be the logged in user’s Default Warehouse assignment. This metric is also available as a Report Query. The default value for the Warehouse parameter will be the logged in user’s Default Warehouse assignment when executed as a Report Query or when viewing the Report Query screen in Metrics View. (RM)

D609347 (Envision Only) - The Authorized User Listing report can be printed from the General Reports in the Envision Web application to include departments the web users have access to. (RM and DM)

D607837 (Envision Only) - Combine the Storage Summary (Facility) for Selected Date Range and the Storage Summary by Customer for Selected Date Range reports into a single report in the General Reports in Envision where the Storage Summary by Customer for Selected Date Range report can be run by Customer or by Facility. (RM)

D607781-B (Envision Only) - Preview and/or printed barcode labels from the bottom of the Warehouse Picklist screen before an actual picklist has been created. Barcodes will be printed in the order in which they were selected for inclusion. (RM)

D615074-A (Envision Only) - The standard Work Order and Invoice report will consider customer Report Settings values assigned to accommodate customization to the standard reports available in Envision. (RM and DM)

PLEASE NOTE: The Invoice, Work Order and Web Work Order Report Settings available in the Report Settings are applicable to standard system reports and any new custom reports created after the release of the Envision release version. Existing custom reports created prior to the Envision release version are not affected by any Report Settings changes applied at the Customer level in the system. If any of the Report Settings changes are needed on an existing custom report created before the release of Envision 5.05.4 a new report request will be needed to enact any Report Settings specified.

D614557 (Envision Only) - The Items in Dispatch Default Location Report Query is available. The default value for the Warehouse parameter will be the logged in user’s Default Warehouse assignment. This Report Query is also available in the Metric View. The default value for the Warehouse parameter will be the logged in user’s Default Warehouse assignment when executed as a Report Query or when viewing the Report Query screen in Metrics View. (RM)

D593068-B (Envision Only) – The customer Report Setting button allows certain fields and display of information to either show or be hidden on Invoice Reports. This requires a system license update to be enabled. (RM and DM)

D613775 (Envision Only) - The Destruction Certificate by Due Date includes Reference 10 report is available in Envision in the General Reports found under the Work Order Report Group. (RM and DM)

D616142-A (Envision Only) - Available Locations by Location is available in Envision in the Report Query screen. This Report Query is also available in the Metric View. (RM)

D616142-B (Envision Only) - New Items Added to Inventory on Selected Work Orders is available in Envision in the General Reports found under the Work Order Report Group. (RM)

D616142-C (Envision Only) - Work Orders by Route and Batch for Selected Dates is available in Envision in the General Reports found under the Work Order Report Group. (RM and DM)

D616359 (Envision Only) - Bin Types by Customer is available in Envision in the Report Query screen. (DM)

D624326 (Envision Only) - The Hide Due date on web work order option in the Web Work Order Report Settings sections of the Customer Report Settings screen is used to hide the Due Date when the standard Web Work Order is displayed after submitting a web order and when printing work orders for the Reports > Order History menu option. (RM and DM)

D613776 (Envision Only) - The Destruction Certificate by Due Date Include Reference 10 report available in the Envision Web application in the General Reports. (RM and DM)

D617180 (Envision Only) - To quickly and easily search for and locate Report Queries, tag descriptors can be saved for each report in the Report Query screen. Multiple tags can be saved for any given report. (RM and DM)


D615038-B (Envision Only) - A new security setting has been added to the User Group for Label Setup to manage system user access to the Label Setup button in the FBU Settings tab. (RM)

D622235 (Envision Only) - When making updates to the System > Functional Business Unit menu option, a Please Wait… message has been added to indicate to the user that the changes are still saving. (RM and DM)

D622561 (Envision Only) - New System Parameter option to Restrict Cross FBU Search to User Group FBU Access. (RM and DM)

D604245 (Envision Only) - Added an FBU Records Management Option “Do not release location slot on item destruction” not to make a location available if there is a destroyed item in the location. (RM)

D619670 (Envision Only) - Report Email Settings SMTP Password field now accepts up to 100 characters. (RM and DM)

D612098 (Envision Only) - Added security values to Reports Query for User Groups. Now Full Access, Ready Only, or No Access may be assigned to Reports Query. (RM and DM)

D600039 (Envision Only) - Added Current User configuration for user default reports to display per report group and default printer assignment. (RM and DM)