Prospective Client CRM
D626057 - Marketing email correspondence and automated Quote reminders can be sent to Prospective Clients who are subscribed to receive email communications. Automated Quote reminders can be sent using the Envision Email Service based on the # of days past the Quote sent date if the Quote is not won. Marketing email communication can be sent to Prospective Client contacts from the Prospective Client screen. Recipients can unsubscribe from all marketing correspondence by clicking on the Unsubscribe link provided.
D626057-A - When Quote Reminders are emailed to a Prospective Client recipient, the Quote Reminder Auto Email templet can include a link to unsubscribe form marketing emails sent from Envision.
D625807-A - When the FBU option Add Authorized Contacts when converting prospective clients is enabled, the Delivery Address, Billing Address and Additional Information Contacts will be created as new Authorized Contacts for the new Customer when the Prospective Client record is converted to a customer in the system. The Authorized Contact's will be set up as web users using the corresponding Email address. If the Prospective Client record's Contact names for the different addresses different but the email addresses match across addresses, the System Warning message will be displayed warning that separate Authorized Contacts are set to be created sharing a linked Web User ID.
PLEASE NOTE: it is recommended that a given Customer's individual Authorized Contracts are managed in the system using unique web user IDs and passwords. An Authorized Contact may be granted access to other Customer accounts using the same web user ID and password, but DHS recommends that each web user in a given Customer account uses their own user ID and password rather than share linked web user IDs.
D625936 - When saving a Prospective Client and the FBU option Add Authorized Contacts when converting prospective clients is enabled, the Billing Address Name, Billing Address Email, Delivery Address Name, Delivery Address Email requirements and the unique email address requirements are all relaxed when adding a new Prospective Client to the system. If any of these conditions are not met when saving a new Prospective Client, however, the System Warning message is displayed indicating the potential violations that will be encountered if the current Prospective Client record is ever converted to a customer in the system.
D625936 - When saving a Prospective Client and the FBU option Add Authorized Contacts when converting prospective clients is enabled, the Billing Address Name, Billing Address Email, Delivery Address Name, Delivery Address Email requirements and the unique email address requirements are all relaxed when adding a new Prospective Client to the system. If any of these conditions are not met when saving a new Prospective Client, however, the System Warning message is displayed indicating the potential violations that will be encountered if the current Prospective Client record is ever converted to a customer in the system.
Customer Management:
D626163 - When the system option Use Customer Tasks is enabled in the System Parameters screen, new toolbar buttons for Customer Task and Company Task are available.
D625230 - It is easier to format Email templates and Event Type templates with modern and professional HTML code using the HTTML Editor built into Envision. PLEASE NOTE - Adjusting the background color is only available in the right-click menu of the Header section of the Event Type.
D626018-A - The Customer setting Do not update destroyed date when items are no-find has been added to the Default 2 tab.
D626272-A - When a customer has Projects set up in the system, the Recurring Charge screen contains the Project field. contains the Project field.
Work Order Management
D626069 - The customer Report Settings screen includes Suppress Sites Notes settings for the Work report. Use the Report Settings button on the Customer screen to open the Report Settings screen. PLEASE NOTE: The Work Order Report Settings will apply to the standard Work Order report created after the release of Envision version 5.1.3. Any Custom Work Order report use created before the release of the Envision 5.1.3 upgrade will not use any of the Work Order Report Settings at the Customer level. Please contact DHS Worldview tech support to request an update of any existing custom work order report that should use the customer Work Order Report Settings going forward.
D626069-A - The customer Report Settings screen includes Suppress Sites Notes settings for the Work report. Use the Report Settings button on the Customer screen to open the Report Settings screen.
PLEASE NOTE: The Work Order Report Settings will apply to the standard Work Order report created after the release of Envision version 5.1.3. Any custom Work Order reporting use created before the release of the Envision 5.1.3 upgrade will not use any of the Work Order Report Settings at the Customer level. Please contact DHS Worldview tech support to request an update of any existing custom work order report that should use the customer Work Order Report Settings going forward.
D626235 - The Bill Work Order button is available immediately after saving the work order.
D625663-A - When the WO Due Date reason is required, the reason must be set/selected when editing Due Date for work orders it eh WO Global Edit screen.
D626139 - When printing the work order Reports from the Work Order screen in the main Envision core application, the "2 Copy Work Order with Certificate of Destruction" report (WorkOrderDets_02) is available to print. This report is also available to print using the Print Work Order and Print Selected Work Orders right-click menu option in the Work Order QBE screen as well as in the Work Order category of the General Reports int he Reports menu.
D625816 - Use the Include Item Location in the Work Order Report settings to include the item's current location / out location when printing the standard Work Order report from the Envision program.
D625868-B - The Work Order Lines table has been added to the Field Level History. The Line Status option can be used to create / delete a trigger on the Work Order Lines table to write WO Line status changes to the Field Level History.
D625679 - The FBU Setting Show message for no future scheduled dates when exiting the Scheduled Order can be used to display a warning message when closing the Scheduled Order screen if no dates in the future for that order have been scheduled.
Inventory Management:
D625951-B - The item metadata table structure has been updated to allow for up to 1,000 characters per refence field in all Reference Fields (1 - 45). Updates to the item metadata table structure also offer performance improvements for performing searches, reference field edit/update and for performing workflow imports in the main Envision application and in the Envision Mobile and Envision Web applications.
PLEASE NOTE: Please allow more time for the Total Recall database upgrade portion of the Envision upgrade process. How much time will be determined by the SQL Server database environment, the number of records to be modified and overall system performance. While all upgrades should be performed in a Test environment first before being implemented in Production, note the time it takes for the database update to complete in Test to prepare for the Production upgrade.
D625177 - The Records Management tab in the FBU Options contains the option Enforce removes as pending removes until verified. This option, when enabled, behaves in much the same way as Enforce retrieves as pending retrieves until verified, and the Enforce refiles as pending refiles until verified, except it applies to Remove work order lines.
D626400 - Improve performance of the Item Image List query when images are stored in the FileTable database (RecallSQLFT).
D626047 - When the system license allows the Range Search, the Item QBE contains the Range Search Value field and the numeric option for using the Range Search Value field.
D625892 - The UploadFilePart API can be called to upload electronic documents through the web service to be attached to items in inventory. The electronic document file name must match am Item Code in the Item table. The image will be imported 1 MB at a time.
D625862-A - When the option to view thumbnail images in the Data Entry screen is turned on, the Next, Previous, First and Last navigation buttons are enabled when multiple images exist for the current item active in the data Entry screen.
D626399 - Improve performance of the Query Builder against the Item table when using the Use Has Image setting when images are stored in the FileTable database (RecallSQLFT).
D625972 - Electronic Document Import setup includes options for appending the item code to the end of the imported file name and for prepending the item code in front of the imported file name.
D625288 - The Customer Name, the Retention Code and the Name Out (Retrieved By name) are all included in the Item QBE results and can be exported out with the rest of the Item QBE results data, as needed.
Billing/Invoicing and AR Management
D625820-A - Use the Show invoice comments on WO Detail Section and the Show Invoice Category Subtotals options in the Invoice Report settings to include the invoice comments in the WO Detail section of the printed invoice report and/or show the Invoice Category subtotals in the invoice summary section when printing the standard Invoice report from the Envision program.
PLEASE NOTE: Any custom Invoice report currently in use in the Envision application may not print the invoice comments in the WO detail section or the invoice category subtotals in the invoice summary section when printed in the Envision program. If needed, please contact the Tech Support department at DHS Worldwide for more information.
D625827-Use the FBU option Print Zero Invoices in the All-Programs tab of the FBU Options to allow system users to print an invoice with a $0.00 amount from the View Invoices screen. If this option is not enabled, then an invoice for $0.00 amount will not be printed from the View Invoices screen.
D625647 - When the AR features are enabled in Envision, the FBU Invoice Decimal places is set to 2 decimal places and will not be able to be adjusted. The Invoice Settlement utility can be used to settle all outstanding balances as needed and any invoice that are skipped during the Invoice Settlement process will be rounded to 2 decimal places going forward. It is recommended to run the Invoice Settlement unitality after running the Envision license update to enable the AR features in the system to ensure that all balances that remain in the system to be managed using AR features in Environ are all rounded to 2 decimal places so payment in full can be applied without leaving overpayments or balances of less than $0.01 in the system.
D625287 - Add the Invoice Due Date placeholder parameter $7$ to the invoice email template.
D625691 - When selecting the Invoice to print on the web, the Invoice report selected as the customer's default Invoice in the Invoice Report setup on the Customer's Billing 2 tab will be printed. If there is no default Invoice report selected at the Customer level, the default Invoice Report selected at the FBU level will be used when printing invoices from the Envision Web application. If no default Invoice report is selected at the FBU level, then the "Invoice" report found in the Envision reports folder in the Reporting Services URL will be printed from the Envision Web application.
D625902 - When managing Payment Batches, the Comments field can be used to record comments that pertain to the Payment Batch for reporting purposes.
D625903 - When searching for Innovis in the View Invoices screen, the Cross FBU search option becomes available when a single invoice number is entered into the first Invoice search field.
D625904 - When a work order is Billed in the system the Invoice feed on the Work Order Notes tab will record the Invoice on which the work order was billed.
D625906 - The DHS Worldwide Envision Email Service has been updated with new app settings for Start Date and Run Invoices.
D625907 - Automated Invoice emails can be configured to send an email to the invoicing email address(es) when the Closed Invoice balance is $0.00.
PLEASE NOTE: The Envision Email Service uses a Start Data parameter. Only invoices that have an Invoice Date on or after the specified Start Date will be emailed using the Envision Email Service. The Envision Email Service will only email an invoice to a customer using an Invoice Auto Email template that is set to use the Email Zero Balance option only if no other email has been sent for that invoice using any other Invoice Auto Email template setup in the system.
D625843-A - View Image activity can be billed by image type when the customer account in the main Envision application is configured with the Bill by Image Type setting. View Image activity will be recorded in the event history table as always, but view image activity will also be recorded in the Image Web View table and record the web user viewing the image, the web user's default department, the image being viewed, the item and the item's department. Only the image types that have been selected for billing by image. Only when images of the selected Image Type that are eligible for billing are viewed will any entry in the Image Web View table be made and billed accordingly. If no Image Types are selected, then all images of all types are eligible for billing.
D625730 - Service Code settings for Transportation codes for Zero Price main action lines for # in base and Zero price wo flat fee price break lines for # in base are available in the Transportation tab of the Service Code screen at the system and customer levels.
PLEASE NOTE - The Zero Price main action lines for # in base and Zero price wo flat fee price break lines for # in base Transportation code settings are designed for use with 'first one-free' or for setting a specific price on the first item serviced on an order or other such promotion where the # in base is billed at a flat rate and additional work order line items will be billed at another rate.
D625843 - Viewing images on the web can be billed by image type and be billed either the item's department or by the Envision Web user's default department. By default, the view image actions are billed at a flat rate, acorns all image types for a customer. The Billing 3 tab includes points for billing images by Image Type, the selection of billable image Types according to the Image Prefixes setup in the Lookup Tables as well as options to bill the Web User's default department assignment.
D625743-A - When processing credit cards with the Open Edge payment processor, use the Region selection on the credit card payment type setup screen to indicate the processing region.
D625228 - Set the Invoice Descripting at the Customer level using the Invoice Description field in the Miscellaneous section of the Billing 3 tab on the Customer screen.
D625986 - The Query Builder for the Invoice Line table contains the Tax Code description in the query results output and the data export process.
D626228 - The Journal Entry Export utility includes the option to use the warehouses GL Code for exporting payments.
D626067 - The Payment Export feature available in the Payment QBE screen will import separate line items for each invoice / unapplied amount for a single payment whenever a payment is applied dot more than one invoice or if there is any amount left unapplied.
D626364-A - When processing credit card payments with OpenEdge, a gratuity can be applied when making payments with the Envois Mobile application for Destruction Bin services. The All-Programs tab of the FBU Options screen contains the Enable gratuity when taking payment on handheld option and a field for the Gratuity GL Code.
D625871 - When deleting/rolling back invoices for that have been created with an Invoice Run in the system, the Delete Invoice Rollback Options screen contains the Invoice Billing Period and the Current Billing Period dates.
D625890 - Processing credit card payments for Destruction Bin service orders in Envision Mobile application using the OpenEdge processor.
Scheduling / Routing:
D625923 - When viewing the map in the Scheduled Calendar, the target address entered is placed on the Map using a pin with a black star and the scheduled stops are color coded by route with a solid pin color.
D625914 - Use the Weight value on the destruction bin storage code and certain miscellaneous codes to determine if a truck/route is over capacity according to the Weight Capacity set for the truck / route in the system. Historical total weight for a shielded order's bin services will be tracked int he system. Similar to Vehicle Capacity by cu. ft. calculations, the Dispatch Explorer will use the sum of all work order weight calculated against the Weight Capacity for the route / truck to determine if a route / truck is over capacity.
D625927 - Up to 15 different color-coded pins can be displayed on the map for different Routes displayed when using the Show Location on Map right-click menu option in the Dispatch Explorer screen.
D626071 - New software license setting for enabling the Scan on Demand (SCOD) button in the Envision application. The SCOD button will open the Scan on Demand interface for scanning new PDF or TIF images and for modifying existing PDF or TIF images previously scanned into Envision. Other image management features such as Attach Image, View Image and Delete Image are accessible without the license to enable the SCOD button in Envision.
D625842 - The Work Order Estimation Versus Actual By Route for Today report query is available and can be used to compare the estimated prices, estimated arrival times and estimated service time with actual price, arrival and service times as well as departure times for each work order, grouped by Route. The Report Query will run for the current date on which it is executed.
PLEASE NOTE: Onsite Time can only be calculated for a manual work order created in the system - without the use of a scheduled order in the first place - only if an Arrival scan is synced from the Envision Mobile application. Fur best results syncing both an Arrival scan and a Departure scan from the Envision Mobile application is recommended.
D625849 - The Service History Management Report has been updated with larger fields for the quantities and amounts entered and will grow across rows if the number reported is too large for the default field size. The report also uses a Decimal Place for Totals paramotor to determine how many decimal places are shown in the environmental impact section of the report.
D625820 - Use the Show Invoice Category Subtotals option in the Invoice Report Settings section of the Report Settings screen to include Invoice Category subtotals on the invoice report.
D626085 - Task Assigned event notification is used to send email notification to the system user when a Company Task or a Customer Task has been assigned to that User.
D625827 - When the invoice amount is for $0.00 and the FBU option Print Zero Priced Invoices option is enabled - as well as the Customer Setting Zero Charges on Invoice in the Customer Billing 1 tab and the Show zero price lines except Relocate lines in the Customer Report Settings screen are also enabled - then an Invoice for .00 can be printed in the View Invoices screen using the Print Invoice and Print Selected Invoices right-click menu options.
D625692 - Report Queries are organized by Report Group. Use the Report Group dropdown menu to filter the Report Queries by the selected report group.
D625694 - The Custom column in the Report Query screen can be used to easily identify which report query in the list is a customs query added and which report queries are standard versions included with the Envision client application.
D625816-B - Customer report setting is available to Include the Item Location on the Work Order report.
D625774 - The Territory Information report has been updated to include the following calculations:
D625775 - The Truck Information report has been updated to include the following calculations:
D625776 - The Driver Information report has been updated to include the following calculations:
D625737 - The Invoice Summary by Month/Year report contains totals for the Invoice Date.
D625692-A - Report Quires are assigned to a Report Group category in the system. The Report Query screen can show Report Queries in all Report Groups, or the list of Report Queries be filtered by the selected Report Group.
D625688 - The Bin Processing History by Customer / Date / Time can be run using the User Defiled 13 report parameter.
D626078 - The Inventory by Location Including All Items Regardless of Status report is available under the Inventory category in the General Reports screen.
D626022 - When opening the Report Query, the section at the top of the Report Query containing the report parameters is expanded to display more parameters by default to avoid having to manually expand the parameters section.
D626010 - The Permanent Withdrawal Certificate report is available in the Main Work Order report list.
D626005 - Report Query to return all Boxes whose child items have all been retrieved.
D626183 - The Average Number of Stops Per Route has been included in the Report Query to return an average number of Oder's per Route within the date range, By FBU.
D626165 - The Prospects from The Previous Week report has been included in the Report Query to return a list of new Prospective Clients that have been created within the last calendar week.
D626166 - The Revenue from Manually Completed Work Orders - Previous Week and the Revenue from Scheduled Completed Work Orders - Previous Week have been included in the Report Query to return a summary of new Revenue earned within the last calendar week.
D626064 - The Report Query Facility Inventory by Location is available on the Reports Query screen. This report is based on the same report available in the legacy Totals Recall SQL application (INVBYLOC2.rpt). The Facility Inventory by Location query uses a Location range and Effective Date range and will report all items in inventory without a parent that are assigned to a location within range specified whose effective date is within range entered.
D626005-A - The Report Query Boxes Where All Files Are Retrieved is available in the Reports Query screen. The Boxes Where All Files Are Retrieved query uses a customer range and will report all active parent Box items in inventory with active indexed child items assigned where all of the child items a Box have been retrieved from inventory.
D626366 - The Warehouse paramotor has been included with the Accounts Receivable Report Quires int he Invoice report category. When running an Accounts Receivable Report Query, the current user's default warehouse will be selected automatically. Customers with account balances for the specified # of days that are assigned to the Warehouse selected will be reported, accordingly. If the Warehouse field is empty, then the Accounts Receivable Report Query will be run for all customers across all different Warehouses and for customers not assigned to any Warehouse in the system at all.
D626276 - The Customer Statement Detail report is available the General Reports in the Invoice category.
D626276-A - The General Ledger by Sales Representative report is available the General Reports in the Management category.
D626268 - The Billed Work Order Detail Information report is available on the Report Query screen in the Work Order category.
Warehouse and Dispatch Operations:
D625763 - System events are available to record when an individual Picklist batch line item is reverted to On Order status and when the entire Picklist batch is reverted. Assign the Warehouse batch line reverted and/or the Warehouse batch reverted event to the system User Group and then subscribe system Users in that Group to receive the appropriate notification when a batch line or entire batch is reverted.
D626130 - Productivity Code changes in the Productivity history and Department in the Productivity Detail history are tracked in the system when the Filed History includes the Productivity Code and Department fields, respectively.
D625844 - Work Flow settings for Electronic Document Imports include an option for Auto add parent.
D625665 - The Attach to the most recent item option in the Workflow Settings screen for an Electronic Document Import workflow will be used to ensure that the new image imported is attached to the image with the most recent Effective Date in the system.
D573078-G - The New Items always added selection for the New Items setup in the Workflow Settings screen for an Electronic Document Import workflow will be used to ensure that a new item is created for each image imported in the system.
D626150 - Performance improvement made to the Web Approval Information report (Web_Approval_01) as well as updates to include all requested web actions for approval review. A new Web Approval Information for Export report (Web_Approval_02) is available that is more optimized for export directly to XLSX format (or XLS) instead of priming to PDF format or to a physical copy.
D625927 - Up to 15 different color-coded pins can be displayed on the map for different Routes displayed when using the Show Location on Map right-click menu option in the Dispatch Explorer screen.
Client Web:
D625945 - The Quote Total is included on the Quote page both before and after accepting the quote.
D625666 - The Next Service Date web page is accessible when scanning a QR code attached to a bin - or by otherwise browsing to the web page - to display the next service date when the bin belonging to the customer who has the Enable viewing bin next service date using Envision Web URL is enabled. The QR Code should contain the address to the Bin Serve web page and the Destruction Bin code.
PLEASE NOTE the Envision Web application must also be set up with the SearchBinNextService application setting in IIS and the SearchBinNextService value must be set to true in order to enable the NextServieDate page in the Envision Web.
D626037 - The Bin Next Service Date page has been updated to show the Bin Code at the top, the bin image, the next serve date below the image, the calendar and then the FBU pine number and the FBU email address.
D625862 - When viewing images on the web use the View Selected button to view all of the selected images in the Envision Web image viewer screen at the same time. PLEASE NOTE: Images selected for viewing in the View Selected image viewer (PNG, JPG, etc.) will be billed according to the customer's View Image settings just like all other view/download image activity in the Envision Web.
D626310 - The Envision Web application has been re-designed to be compatible with security settings including Content Security Policy (CSP).
D625788 - On Site Locations are accessibly when the customer is marked as an Onsite Customer in the main customers account settings. Also, the Restrict Onsite File Import setting in the Authorized Contact Group settings is available.
D625666-A - Customer setting to allow web users to view the next service date for a bin by scanning a QR barcode placed on the bin that browses to the Envision Web application and shows the next date for that Destruction Bin.
For the latest release notes, please contact our support team by calling 904.213.0448 or send an email to