Inventory Management
D594978-A - When accessing the Manage > Destruction Bin > Customer Bin Assignment QBE screen and a Closed Date is manually added to a CBAD, a prompt is going to be provided to the user asking “Do you wish you release the bin from this CBAD?”. If the user selects Yes, the bin is going to be released from the CBAD and the bin can be used for other customers. If the user selects No, then the bin will remain on the CBAD until the bin has been manually removed from the CBAD. (DM)
D605139 (Envision Only) - The Processes section in the File > Import > Work Flow Setup screen has been updated to include the Process Type of Add. Selecting this option when performing a Custom File Import will ensure that items are only added to inventory through the import that is being performed. (RM AND DM)
D607424 (Envision Only) - The Export feature in the Item QBE screen (Manage > Inventory > Query By Example (QBE)) has been updated to include the Excel option. When this option is selected, the file that is exported from the Total Recall Envision application is going to be in a .XLSX format. (RM)
D608336 (Envision Only) - When importing through the File > Utilities > Import menu option, added the option for Has Header Record. This option should be selected when the file that is being imported in has header rows to ensure that the spreadsheet is imported properly. (RM)
D608867 (Envision Only) - The Add Format screen in the System > Item Type > Edit Item Type screen has been updated to include the option for Enforce Unique with Date and the options available are Effective Date, From Date, To Date, and Event Date. This feature is also available on the Customer Item Type level (Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu and selecting the Customer Item Type button). When this option is set for a reference field, the value that is entered into the reference field must be unique based on the date value that is selected. (RM)
D607330 (Envision Only) - Update to the Query Builder queries against the Item table to include search option Use Has Image. The Use Has Image option will enable or disable a search against the FileTable database to search for any images attached to that item to return an accurate True or False value in the Has Image column returned in the results set. If the Has Image filed is used to build the query in the first place, the query will search against the FileTable database regardless of the Use Has Image option setting accordingly. (RM)
D600517 (Envision Only) - When performing a Match File, which is the update of reference information in the Manage > Inventory > Match File > Match File menu option, if information is being imported that exceeds the maximum allowed amount of characters, a message is going to be displayed indicating that the value exceeds the maximum amount of characters allowed. (RM)
D604118 (Envision Only) - The Manage > Customer > Reserved Label screen has been updated with the Add Free-Form Label Range section on the Step 3 tab. This feature allows the user to enter the full barcode number for the barcode range that needs to be added to the system. (RM)
D598497 (Envision Only) - When performing a CSV import using the File > Import > Process Custom Work Flow menu option, a Please Wait indicator is displayed in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen to indicate to the user that the import is being performed. (RM)
D592341 (Envision Only) - When accessing the Manage > Destruction Bin > Destruction Bins QBE screen and bin barcodes are being added, added a Please Wait message to indicate that the bins are being added to inventory. (DM)
Customer Management
D594952-A - An option has been added to the System > Functional Business Unit menu option for Allow Reference 1 Search Across Customer Departments. When this option is enabled and the Send Offsite functionality is being used in the Envision Web application, the items that are in the list for sending offsite will be reviewed for all Departments that are associated to the customer, not just the Department that is selected in the drop-down menu. This will ensure that if there is an item in the list that is being sent offsite that does not belong to the Department that is selected, the system is going to search the remaining departments to see if the item exists instead of attempting to add the item. (RM and DM)
D601776 - The Requestor Work Order Status Changed and Requestor Due Date Changed E-Notifications have been updated to include the field Delivery Address. This field, if enabled on the E-Notification, will provide the user with the address of the work order that the email is being received for. (RM and DM)
D591050-A - A new E-Notification has been added for New Customer Created. This is an internal notification that can be sent to the users who are assigned to this E-Notification and the user will be notified when a new customer is created. (RM and DM)
D610575 (Envision Only) - The option for Use Customer Tasks has been added to the System > Parameters menu option on the Options tab. When this feature is enabled, the toolbar option for Call Entry is going to be available, along with the menu option for Manage > Customer > Call Entry. Enabling this feature allows the user to track call entry based on customer activities that are performed throughout the day. (RM and DM)
D606288-A (Envision Only) - Use the Default Web Global Search section of the Customer Billing 3 tab to set the default search field for use on the Home search performed in the Envision Web application. The Home search bar will set the selected reference field as the default search field. IF no field is set in the Default Web Global Search section, or if the reference field specified is not available for that web user’s available fields the Home search bar it the Envision Web application will default All. (RM and DM)
D606447 (Envision Only) - FBU option in the Destruction Management tab for Auto create and link sites and departments when creating a site or department is used to automatically link a site to a department or a department to a site each time a new site or department is created in a customer account. (DM)
D607306 (Envision Only) - Use the Web Field Display button in the Item Type at the system or customer level to define the default sort order of reference fields in the Envision Web application (RM)
D610118 (Envision Only) - Include the Validate Locations and Map buttons on the address tab of the Site screen to validate the address entered and to map the location with Google Maps (RM and DM)
D601974 (Envision Only) - The Department field in the Manage > Inventory > Query By Example (QBE) menu option has been increased to ensure that the full name of the Department can be displayed both when using the drop-down menu and when typing the name of the Department. Fifty characters can now be displayed in this view. (RM)
D607611 (Envision Only) - The Requestor Due Date Changed E-Notification has been updated to include the Due Date (Just Date) filter. When this filter is used and the email is being sent to the customer for the notification, just the updated Due Date is sent to the customer, not the Due Time of the work order as well. (RM and DM)
D590794 (Envision Only) - User Group security settings for Customer Edit PO (No Access, Full Access), Customer Edit Email Settings (No Access, Full Access), Work Order Edit Due Date (No Access, Full Access), Rebuild Work Order Lines (No Access, Full Access), Re-assign Routes (No Access, Read Only, Full Access) and Warehouse Verify (No Access, Read Only, Full Access). (RM and DM)
D596434 (Envision Only) - The Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu option has been updated with the Events button. This option is going to contain the Requestor Due Date Changed E-Notification. When this E-Notification is enabled and there is not an Authorized Contact in the Requested By field of the work order, the email will be sent to the email address that is listed on the Email field of the work order on the Detail tab. If an Authorized Contact is listed on the work order, the notification will be sent to the Authorized Contact in the Requested By field of the work order, if the user has this notification enabled. (RM and DM)
D596434-A (Envision Only) - When accessing the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer screen and selecting the Site button for a customer, the Email field has been added to the Address tab. This email address will also be listed on the work order when this Site is selected. (RM and DM)
D602072 (Envision Only) - When a customer is marked as a Parent Customer and has Children Customers assigned to it, if the Parent Account is being deleted, a message will be displayed indicating that the Parent Customer cannot be removed because the Parent Customer has Children Customers assigned. (RM and DM)
D599079 (Envision Only) - When accessing the Manage > Customer > Customer Flow Down menu option, the Provider and Customer ID has been added to the Query Builder in the Customer Flow Down process. (RM and DM)
D590956 (Envision Only) - An option has been added to the Default 2 tab of the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer screen for Customer Overwrites Metadata. When this option is enabled and the Provider functionality is being used, the customer’s item reference information is not going to be written to the Metadata tables. If this option is not enabled and the Provider functionality is being used, then the reference information for the items will be written to the Metadata table. (RM)
D594783 (Envision Only) - The Manage > Customer > Cross FBU Customer Search screen has been updated to include the Customer User Defined 9 through 13 fields. (RM and DM)
D595016 (Envision Only) - When utilizing the Call Log feature in the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu option, the Call Log has been updated to default the search to all calls (Work Order, Customer, and Item) and all notes from a year previous will be displayed. The search criteria can be adjusted after the user has entered the screen to show a more refined listing of the Call Log Notes, if desired. (RM and DM)
D592692 (Envision Only) - The Manage > Customer > Cross FBU Customer Search screen has been updated to ensure that the custom User Defined captions are listed in the screen. In addition, the User Defined caption section has been increased to accommodate larger captions. (RM and DM)
D595645 (Envision Only) - The Edit Memo button has been added to the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu option. This functionality allows the Total Recall user to add Memo notes to the customer. (RM and DM)
D592782 (Envision Only) - In the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu option, on the Default 2 tab, the option for Auto Bill has been added to the list of options. In addition, the Billing > View Invoices screen has been updated with an Auto Bill Options filter that can be used to select between the options of Show Only Auto Bill and Show Only Non-Auto Bill. The respective options can be selected to search based on whether the customer has the Auto Bill option enabled or disabled. (RM and DM)
*D610431 (Envision Only) - A toolbar button for the Prospective Client functionality has been added to the system. When selecting the toolbar button, the Prospective Client screen is going to be displayed, which can also be accessed by going to Manage > Customer > Prospective Clients. (RM and DM)
*D592954 (Envision Only) - When utilizing the Manage > Customer > Prospective Clients functionality to track prospective sale leads and the Prospective Customer is now being converted to a real customer, any notes that were added to the Prospective Client will be placed onto the real customer that is created in the Call Log. (RM and DM)
*D589130 (Envision Only)- The Prospective Client screen (Manage > Customer > Prospective Client) has been updated to include the option Assign as Account Rep. When this option is enabled and the Prospective Client is converted to a real customer, the user listed in the Assigned User field will be placed into the Account Rep field on the real customer that is created. (RM and DM)
*PLEASE NOTE: This functionality is associated with the Prospective Client functionality, which requires a license update to enable. For further information on the Prospective Client functionality, please contact DHS Worldwide’s Sales Department
Work Order Management
D600771-D (Envision Only) - Two features are available with this update. First, when a work order has been opened using the File > Work Order > Edit Work Order menu option, accessing the Details tab will display the wording Has Image if there is an image attached to the work order. Also, the toolbar has been updated to include the Prospective Clients icon as the last button in the customer section. (RM and DM)
D598780 (Envision Only) - When in the File > Work Order > Edit Work Order menu option, the filter for Customer Warehouse has been added to the search criteria. With this filter, the user has the ability to view the work orders that are assigned specifically to a warehouse. This warehouse would be set in the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu option on the Default 1 tab. (RM and DM)
D600771-B (Envision Only) - When accessing the File > Work Order > Edit Work Order menu option and opening a work order by double-clicking on it, accessing the Detail tab will display the Scan on Demand options. When selecting either the View Image button or the Delete Image button, a screen is going to be displayed listing the images that are associated to this work order. The user can then select the image they are viewing or deleting, respectively. (RM and DM)
D602700 (Envision Only) - The Manage > Scheduled Work Order > Edit Scheduled Work Order screen has been updated to include the Job Name column. This column indicates the frequency that the scheduled work order is being run on. (RM and DM)
D599848 (Envision Only) - The Options section of the File > Work Order > Edit Work Order screen has been updated to include the options for Customers Like and Search Parent Customer. When the Customers Like option is used, the beginning of the Customer ID can be input into the Customer field and all work orders that are assigned to the customer beginning with those number or characters will be displayed. The Search Parent Customer option can be used if the customer that is being placed into the Customer ID field is the Parent Customer and all work orders that are assigned to the children accounts should be displayed. (RM and DM)
D515702-A (Envision Only) - When in a work order (File > Work Order > Edit Work Order and double-clicking a work order to open it), the right-click menu options for Move Work Order Line and Move Selected Work Order Lines has been updated to provide the user with the ability to create a new work order instead of appending the lines to an existing work order. When the option for Duplicate Work Order is selected in the Move Work Order Line screen, a new work order is going to be created, replicating the header information or the source work order, and the applicable work order lines are going to be moved to the new work order. (RM)
D593183-A (Envision Only) - The right-click menu option for Print Selected Barcodes has been added to the File > Work Order > Edit Work Order screen when opening a work order (double-clicking on the work order). With this feature, the user has the ability to print the selected item barcodes from the work order instead of printing all barcodes.(RM)
D600192 (Envision Only) - When accessing the Manage > Scheduled Work Order > Edit Scheduled Work Order menu option, the Job Assignment section has been enhanced with a second drop-down menu to indicate which day of the week to filter the next drop-down of Jobs on. In addition, a new right-click menu option has been added for View Locations on Map. When Scheduled Work Orders are selected and the right-click menu option is selected, Google Maps will be displayed showing the different locations of the addresses on the map. (RM and DM)
D593183 (Envision Only) - When in the File > Work Order > Edit Work Order menu option and within a work order, the right-click menu option for Print Selected Barcodes has been added to the menu. When this option is selected, the user has the ability to use the checkboxes on the left-hand side of the screen to select the barcodes that are to be printed and print only the selected barcodes. (RM)
D595090 (Envision Only) - The Driver’s User ID has been added to the File > Work Order > Edit Work Order menu option and within the work order on the Detail tab to indicate the driver that performed the scanning on this work order. (RM and DM)
D598194 (Envision Only) - The Sequence field can now be updated in the Manage > Scheduled Work Order > Edit Scheduled Work Order menu option directly on the screen. (RM and DM)
D598194-A (Envision Only) - The Manage > Scheduled Work Order > Edit Scheduled Work Order menu option has been updated to include the Job Assignment search feature. When this search feature is used, the scheduled work orders that are associated with the Job Assignment selected will be displayed. (RM and DM)
D592453 (Envision Only) - When accessing the Select Scheduled Work Order screen either through the Manage > Scheduled Work Order > Edit Scheduled Work Order screen or through the View Scheduled Dates button in the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu option, the right-click menu option for Scheduled Work Order Global Edit has been added to the screen. When scheduled work orders are selected using the checkboxes on the left-hand side of the screen, the user has the ability to update the Header Transportation, Route, and / or Work Order Status that is associated to the selected Scheduled Work Orders. (RM and DM)
Billing and Invoicing
D601853 (Envision Only) - The Ad Hoc Billable process, which is located in the File > Work Order > New Work Order menu when selecting the Misc button, has been updated to include the Search button. This option, when selected, provides the user with the ability to select a service code that should be used for the work order line that is being created. (RM and DM)
D596181 (Envision Only) - When in the Billing > View Invoices screen and the right-click menu option has been selected for Select Invoices Not in Customer Invoice Email List, provide a Please Wait message to indicate that the system is selecting the invoices. (RM and DM)
D599848-A (Envision Only) - The Billing > View Invoices and File > Work Order > Edit Work Order menu options have been updated to include the Provider drop-down menu to be able to search for Invoices and Work Orders by Provider, respectively. (RM and DM)
D598190 (Envision Only) - The Billing > Create Invoice screen has been updated to provide the ability to sort the Customer section by the column headers, so the customers can be viewed in Customer ID order, Customer Name order, or Billing Group order. (RM and DM)
D600809 (Envision Only) - When accessing the Billing > View Invoices menu option and selecting the right-click menu option for Bill Invoice to Available Credit Card, if the invoice that is being paid has a zero due balance, a message is going to be displayed indicating Invoice Amount Due is Zero and the credit card will not be processed. (RM and DM)
D590776 (Envision Only) - When making a payment on an invoice using the Billing > View Invoices menu option, the Prepaid field is now displayed to indicate the amount that is in the Prepaid field of the customer’s account. (RM and DM)
D594387 (Envision Only) - The option for Use Invoice Service has been added to the System > Parameters menu option on the Options tab. When this option is enabled, the Use Invoice Service checkbox is going to be enabled automatically on the third screen of the invoicing process. Using the Invoice Service indicates that the invoicing job process is going to be run using Windows Services instead of using the SQL Server Agent. (RM and DM)
D599477-A (Envision Only) - The Auth Code field has been added to the Billing > Payments QBE screen. This field, when information is visible, will display the Authorization Code that was used to authorize the refund if the refund was performed on a Credit Card. (RM and DM)
D591515 (Envision Only) - When accessing the Billing > View Invoices menu option, the column for Billing Group has been added to the screen to indicate the Billing Group that the customer is assigned to. (RM and DM)
D596316 (Envision Only) - When viewing the invoice in the Billing > View Invoice menu option and double-clicking on the invoice, if the option on the customer’s Billing 1 tab for Individual Work Order Line Detail on Invoice is selected, then the Work Order column is going to be displayed to indicate the work order that the invoice line is being generated from. (RM and DM)
D592783 (Envision Only) - The Credit Card Info section of the System > Parameters’ Settings tab has been updated to include the Default Card option. When this option is enabled for a credit card and one of the options for Bill to Available Credit Card is selected in the Billing > View Invoices menu option, this is the credit card that is going to be used to pay the invoice. (RM and DM)
D593990 (Envision Only) - When viewing the Billing > View Invoices screen and there are invoices that are searched for, the fields for Records, Total Amount Billed, and Total Amount Due are displayed. These fields will be reflective of the results that are being displayed for the number of invoices that are a part of the results, the total dollar amount that was invoiced, and the total dollar amount that is remaining to pay for the invoices. (RM and DM)
D588095-A (Envision Only) - When in the Billing > Billing Groups menu option and making updates to the Billing Group, a message is going to be received indicating “Not a Valid Current Year” if the Current Year field is set to an invalid year. (RM and DM)
*D601770 (Envision Only) - When accessing the Billing > Payment QBE menu option, include the original payment amount in the bottom grid when viewing the payments that have been applied to the invoice. (RM and DM)
*D601771 (Envision Only) - The Payment Cancellation function, which is located in the Billing > Payments QBE menu option when double-clicking on a payment, has been updated to include a Paid Date field that indicates when the cancellation occurred. (RM and DM)
*D603755 (Envision Only) - When selecting the Invoice button in a Payment Batch, which is located in the Billing > Payment Batch screen, the Invoice Date field has been updated to indicate the Payment Date of the Unapplied Payment for the payments that are listed that are Unapplied. (RM and DM)
*D605087 (Envision Only) - The Billing > View Invoices screen has been updated to show the Current option in the Past Due Status search section of the screen. When this option is selected, invoices that are within 30 days will be displayed. (RM and DM)
*D591403 (Envision Only) - Three new toolbar buttons have been added for View Invoices, Payment Batch, and Payments QBE. (RM and DM)
*D592784-A (Envision Only) - When accessing the Billing > Payments QBE menu option to search for payments that have been made, the right-click menu option for Refund Payment has been added to the screen. With this functionality, the payment that was made on an invoice can be refunded to either a new credit card, an existing credit card, or refunded in other forms such as cash, check, customer credit, etc. (RM and DM)
*D594201 (Envision Only) - The menu option Billing > Payment QBE has been added to the Total Recall Envision application. With this feature, users will be able to search for the payment history for invoices and customers that have been applied. In addition, payments can be refunded through this screen. (RM and DM)
*D596503 (Envision Only) - The Billing > Payment Batch menu option has been optimized to include the Credit Card column. If the batch was created through the Envision Web application and a credit card was used to pay the invoice, the payment would have the checkbox enabled, indicating that the payment was performed with a credit card. If a credit card charge was refunded to the customer, then a credit batch would be created and the credit card checkbox would be enabled since the credit card was refunded. (RM and DM)
*D596477 (Envision Only) - The Billing > Payment Batch screen has been updated to include the Line value when making adjustments in a batch. This line number is going to indicate the line (location in the listing of the payments) that the user is currently located on. (RM and DM)
*D597492 (Envision Only) - When utilizing the Billing > Payment Batch screen and a batch that has been posted is being reviewed, selecting the Search Invoice binocular button next to the invoice number will produce the Payment Batch Line screen where additional information regarding the payment can be viewed. (RM and DM)
*D597585 (Envision Only) - When accessing the Billing > Payment QBE menu option and right-clicking on a payment to refund it, a new option has been added for Refund (Non-Credit Card). If this option is selected, a drop-down menu is available to be able to select the Payment Type that this refund would be associated to, such as Cash, Check, etc. (RM and DM)
*D597701 (Envision Only) - The Billing > Payment Batch screen has been updated with the Processed column. When the Payment Batch or the Credit Batch has been posted, this field is populated with the date and time in which the batch was posted. (RM and DM)
*D595408 (Envision Only) - The option for View Payments has been added to the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer screen on the Address tab. When this option is selected on a customer, the Payments QBE screen is going to be displayed and the payments for the past year for this customer are automatically going to be displayed. In addition, the Unapplied column in this screen has been updated to display as a negative number and the Unapplied value on the customer’s Address tab has been updated to display as a negative number as well. (RM and DM)
*D595410 (Envision Only) - When accessing the Billing > View Invoices menu option, the checkbox for Show Balances has been added to the screen. When this checkbox is selected and invoices are searched for, the new column for Account Balance is going to be displayed in the grid, indicating the current amount that the customer owes. (RM and DM)
*D598340 (Envision Only) - The Billing > Payment QBE menu option has been updated with the Paid Date field in the bottom grid. This field will indicate the date in which the payment or the credit was marked as Paid in the system. (RM and DM)
*D598389 (Envision Only) - The Check No. field has been updated to use the Reference # caption instead in the Billing > Payment QBE menu option. (RM and DM)
*PLEASE NOTE: This functionality is associated with the AR Module functionality, which requires a license update to enable. For further information on the AR Module’s functionality, please contact DHS Worldwide’s Sales Department
Envision Warehouse
D566085-A - Update to the Web Service to send the Location of the Child Item to the handheld scanner if the option for Show Item Destination is enabled on the handheld scanner. (RM)
*D594854 - The fields for Customer, Start, End, and Comments in the Warehouse > Productivity > Track Productivity menu option. These fields are available for the user for better tracking of productivity. (RM)
*D594854-C -The Warehouse > Productivity > Projects menu option has been added to the system. Using this screen, projects can be added per customer for tracking the productivity. In addition, the Warehouse > Productivity > Track Productivity screen has been updated to include the Customer and Project fields. Using these fields, the user can assign a customer to the productivity tracking and assign a project that is being worked on. (RM)
*D594854-D - The menu option Warehouse > Productivity > Unit of Measure has been added to the Total Recall application. This feature provides the ability to add units of measure that can be selected in the Warehouse > Productivity > Track Productivity menu option. (RM)
*D578113 - A new option has been added to the Warehouse > Productivity > Productivity Codes menu option for Price / Hour. With this option, the new columns in the Warehouse > Productivity > Productivity History for Service Cost and Service will be populated with information for the cost of the work being performed. (RM)
*D605444 - The Unit of Measure column has been added to the Warehouse > Productivity > Productivity History screen. This field will indicate the Unit of Measure that is associated with the Productivity Code that was used for this tracking. (RM)
*PLEASE NOTE: This functionality is associated with the Productivity Tracking functionality, which requires a license update to enable. For further information on the Productivity functionality, please contact DHS Worldwide’s Sales Department
**D532490 - Options to the System > Authorized Contact Group have been added for Enforce Product Threshold and Approval Needed Over Threshold. These options are in use with the Warehousing Product functionalities of the Total Recall application. (Warehousing)
**D532490-B - The Warehouse > Product Fulfillment > Products QBE screen has been updated with the option Order Threshold when new product is being added to a customer. This provides the user with a maximum quantity that they can order at a time. (Warehousing)
**D532491-A - A new E-Notification has been added to the System > Parameters menu option for Product Quantity on Hand Below Reorder Quantity. This E-Notification is used with the Warehousing features of the Total Recall application. When this E-Notification is being used by a user and the product amount on-hand falls below the re-order quantity, the notification will be sent to all users who are subscribed to the notification. (Warehousing)
**D532492-A - The option Approval Needed Over Threshold has been added to the System > Authorized Contact Group menu option and can be used to indicate that if a web user is requesting more product than the Threshold Amount, the web user would need this request to be approved. (Warehousing)
**D532493-A - Update to the Warehouse > Product Fulfillment > Product QBE screen to add the option Product Period. When this option is enabled for a specific customer, the customer would be limited to the amount of product that they can request over a certain time period. (Warehousing)
Envision Dispatch
D598794 - When accessing the Dispatch > Dispatch Explorer menu option and right-clicking on a Batch Header, the options for Select All and Unselect All have been added to the menu. When the Select All option is selected, all of the work orders for that batch will be selected. When the Unselect All option is selected, all of the work orders for that batch will be un-selected. (RM and DM)
D599630 - When viewing the Dispatch > Dispatch Import Logs screen, a Dispatch Group filter has been added to the search section. When this field is used, the logs will only be displayed for the users who are assigned to that Dispatch Group. (RM and DM)
D594620 - When in the Device Interface screen in the Dispatch > Dispatch Explorer menu option, a Loading Circle is displayed under the reports to indicate to the user that the reports are currently being loaded. (RM and DM)
D596329 - The option for Enable Destruction Bin Invoice on Android has been added to the Dispatch > Dispatch Group Settings menu option. When this option is enabled, the handheld scanners will have the ability to process credit cards while at the customer’s location. (DM)
D564153 - When accessing the Dispatch > Dispatch Explorer screen, the Department column has been added to the Dispatch Explorer grid. (RM and DM)
D595073 - When accessing the Dispatch > View Scheduled Calendar menu option and work orders are being moved from one date to another, the sequence will remain in the correct order. In addition, a right-click menu option has been added when right-clicking on the Route for Update Orders Sequences. When this option is selected, the orders are going to be re-calculated in order by the Sequence number. (RMM and DM)
D590176 - When accessing the Dispatch > View Scheduled Calendar menu option, the option for Show Address 2 is listed. When this option is enabled and the Query button is selected to refresh the results, the Address 2 field is going to be displayed for the work orders. (RM and DM)
D592335 - When using the Dispatch > View Scheduled Calendar menu option, the City section in the top right-hand corner of the screen has been updated with the option City Exact. When this option is enabled and the user enters a city to search on, only results exactly matching the city entered will be displayed. (RM and DM)
Envision Android Scanning Operations
D533216-D - When on the handheld scanner and accessing a Picklist using the Picklist menu option, the right-hand side of the item will indicate if the item is being Retrieved or Removed, per the customer’s request. (RM)
D602697 - The option for Track Total Work Order Time has been added to the System > Parameters menu option on the handheld scanner. When this feature is enabled, the service clock will begin/continue tracking the work order service time as soon as the work order is selected in the Process Orders screen. Service time will continue to be tracked through all services performed and signature collection process. Service time is paused when the work order is no longer selected in the Process Orders screen, or if the Envision Mobile application is minimized, suspended or exited and resumed when the work order is selected in the Process Orders screen again. When Track Total Work Order Time is enabled, the service clock cannot be manually stopped while servicing the work order. The total service time tracked will be synced with the scan data the next time scan data is synced. (DM)
D607066 - The option for Complete Dispatch WO Without Signature has been added to the System > Parameters menu option on the handheld scanner. When this feature is enabled, the user will be able to select the WO Sync option when viewing the list of work orders for the location, and selecting this option will sync the information to the database without obtaining a signature, and the work order will be completed. (RM and DM)
D600771 - When accessing the System > Parameters menu option on the handheld scanner, the option for Enable Dispatch WO Images option has been added. When this checkbox is selected, the option for Image Capture is available when viewing the list of work orders at a location. This feature allows the driver to scan an image for the work order and this image would be uploaded to the database and stored on the work order. (RM and DM)
D602084 - The option for Open Service Screen on Dest bin Scan has been added to the System > Parameters menu option. When this option is selected, beginning on the Process Orders screen where the list of address is displayed, the driver can scan a bin that is being serviced and the Service Bin screen for that work order will be displayed. (DM)
D587654 - An option has been added to the System > Parameters menu option for Do Not Reassign Case. When this option is enabled and the user is utilizing the Assign Case functionality in the Warehouse Operations section, if the Case or Bundle that is scanned is already assigned to a different customer, an error is going to be provided to the user indicating that the assign did not occur because the case is currently assigned to another customer. (RM)
D599625 - The Productivity functionality has been added to the Warehouse Operations > Child Transfer screen on the handheld scanner. When the user accesses this screen, the user has the ability to track how many child transfer scans are being processed during their time in this screen. (RM)
D600254 - The Location field of the item has been added to the Load Truck screen when the Dispatching process is being performed. (RM)
D600566 - The Scan to Work Order functionality in the Warehouse Operations section has been updated to include a count of the number of items that has been scanned at the top of the screen. (RM)
D598072 - The handheld scanner has been updated with the ability to update the Storage Code that is associated to the items that are scanned. This functionality is available in the Pickup screen of the Dispatching process. This functionality will be available in the Item Detail screen if the option for Allow Storage Code Update is enabled in the System > Parameters menu option. When utilizing this functionality, all of the items that are scanned in the Pickup screen will be updated to the same Storage Code that is selected in the drop-down menu. (RM)
D598072-B - The handheld scanner has been updated with the ability to update the Storage Code that is associated to the items that are scanned. This functionality is available in the Warehouse Operations > Item Detail screen. This functionality will be available in the Item Detail screen if the option for Allow Storage Code Update is enabled in the System > Parameters menu option. When utilizing this functionality, each item can be assigned to a different storage code. (RM)
D566085 - When accessing the System > Parameters menu option, the option for Dispatch Unload Truck Child Destination is available. When this option is enabled and the driver is performing the Unload Truck scan in the Dispatching Processes, the option can be selected to show the Location field of the file. (RM)
D591911 - When accessing the Warehouse Operations menu option and utilizing the Relocate Item scan feature, a new option has been added to the menu for Validate Mode. When this option is enabled and items are being scanned through this feature, the information scanned is instantly sent back to the database to check for warnings or errors with the item and location that have been scanned and any messages will instantly be viewed on the screen. (RM)
D593449 - When in the Service Bin screen scanning the bins and performing the services, if all of the bins are not scanned and the driver continues to the Sign feature, a message is received indicating “Items have not been serviced, continue anyway?”. The driver can either elect to continue to the signature or go back to the Service Bin screen and continue to scan the bins. (DM)
D595907 - An option has been added to the System > Parameters menu option for Group Dispatch Orders by Address Line 2. When this option is enabled and there are multiple of the same addresses and the only difference in the address is the Address 2 field, the orders are going to be grouped together by this field in the listing of the addresses. (RM and DM)
D596672 - When utilizing the Signature screen to receive the customer’s signature and notes are entered into this field and the user selects Close and not Save, a prompt is received asking the user if they would like to save the changes. (RM and DM)
D577328 - The option for Additional Dispatch Relocate Scans has been added to the System > Parameters menu option. When this option is enabled, the driver will receive an additional screen when performing the processing of the items which will allow the driver to scan the items to a “relocate” location, then scan the items to the customer, indicating that the customer has now received the items. (RM)
D602697-A - The option for Track Total Work Order Time has been added to the Gun Settings Group setup screen to be loaded to the handheld device with the Load Settings feature of the Envision Mobile application. When this feature is enabled, the service clock will begin/continue tracking the work order service time as soon as the work order is selected in the Process Orders screen. When Track Total Work Order Time is enabled, the service clock cannot be manually stopped in the Envision Mobile application while servicing the work order. (RM)
D600771-A - The File > Handhelds > Handheld Settings menu option has been updated to include the option Enable Dispatch WO Images. This option can be set in the Handheld Settings screen and flowed to the handheld scanners when the Load Defaults option is selected on the handheld scanner. (RM and DM)
Envision Client Web
D602270 - When utilizing the Web Alerts Authorized Contact menu option and selecting the More Details button to see the report, an Excel button has been added. This feature provides the user with the ability to export the information listed in the report to Excel. (RM)
D582856 - The Match Item Search functionality in the Search menu has been updated to include a Department drop-down menu to narrow the results to a particular Department. In addition, the Customer drop-down menu has been updated to provide the ability to search on all customers at the same time. (RM)
D592461 - If the System > Authorized Contact Group menu option for Show Web Alerts is enabled, when the customer signs into the Envision Web application, they are going to receive alerts in reference to the status of the items, such as “5 Files have not returned to storage after 12 weeks”, “30 Boxes have passed their review date”. (RM)
D589890 - When viewing results of items that have been searched for, the name of the user who has requested the parent of an item will now be displayed as well as when the parent item was retrieved. (RM)
D571378-A - When accessing the Reports > General Reports menu option, the report for Image History Downloads has been added. This report has three parameters: Customer, Department, and Date Range. Running this report will display the Item Code, the name of the file that was downloaded, and the number of times that the file has been downloaded. Totals will be displayed at the end of the report as well. (RM)
D597729 - The Items Scheduled for Destruction Review report in the Reports > General Reports menu option has been updated to include an extra parameter for Exclude Item Holds (Y/N). Selecting Yes in the drop-down menu will ensure that items that are assigned to an Item Hold are not provided in the results of the report. If No is selected in the drop-down menu, then items that are assigned to an Item Hold will be displayed on the report. (RM)
Reporting (14)
D583366-B - The File > Utilities > Authorized Contact Event Import menu option has been added to the system. With this functionality, the E-Notification Events for Authorized Contacts can either be assigned in bulk through a spreadsheet or un-assigned in bulk through a spreadsheet. (RM and DM)
D599703 - The Query Results tab of the Reports > Query Builder menu option has been updated to include a printable report that can hold up to six (6) fields on the report. (RM and DM)
D585864-A - A new E-Notification has been added to the System > Parameters menu option for File Table Connection Unavailable. When this notification is established on an internal Total Recall user and the File Table Connection could not be made, any users that are subscribed to this notification will receive the email. (RM and DM)
D590805-A - A new feature has been added to the System > Authorized Contact Group menu option in the Events button to include a Default column. If E-Notifications are enabled as Default, when a new Authorized Contact is added to the system (either manually or through the Envision Web application), the Authorized Contact is automatically going to be enabled with the default E-Notifications. In addition, this update adds the Authorized Contacts Immune to Default Events option in the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer screen on the Default 2 tab. When this option is enabled and a new Authorized Contact is added to this customer, the default E-Notifications that have been established are not going to be transferred to the new Authorized Contact. (RM and DM)
D604243-A (Envision Only) - The report Scheduled Work Order Information has been added to the Reports > Reports Query menu option. When this report is run, information regarding the scheduled work orders is going to be displayed, such as the Customer, the Status, the Work Order Type, the Scheduled Work Order Number, and more. (RM and DM)
D609350 (Envision Only) - The report Invoice Line Information has been added to the Reports > Query Builder menu option. When running this report, the user is provided with a date range to see the invoice line information for. (RM and DM)
D598795 (Envision Only) - The Items Scheduled for Destruction Review report, which is located in the Reports > General Reports menu option, has been updated to include the parameter Sort by Department (Y/N). If Yes is selected, when the report is run, the items will be broken out by the department that they are assigned to. If No is selected, when the report is run, the items will be placed onto the report in Item Code order. (RM)
D605891 (Envision Only) - The Windows menu option has been added to the menu options that are listed at the top of the Total Recall Envision application. Selecting this menu provides the Cascade All option and the Open Windows option. The Cascade All feature will open all of the windows for the user in a cascading style where the user can select the screen to open. The Open Windows feature will provide the user with a listing of the open screens and the ability to select which screen to open. (RM and DM)
D602765 (Envision Only) - The Reports > Query Builder menu option has been updated to include the Net Terms and Unit of Measure fields when running an Invoice Line query. These fields also have the ability to be exported to Excel when selecting the Export button and can be printed on the report when selecting the Print button. (RM)
D600681 (Envision Only) - When accessing the Reports > Field Level History menu option and performing a search based on the Customer Service Code table, the Customer ID has been added to the Record column to indicate the customer that this update was made for. (RM and DM)
D586693 (Envision Only) - New E-Notification Event for Requestor Work Order Line No-Find – Only Child Items. When this notification is used, the Requestor on the work order will receive a notification of a child-level item is marked as Not Found. In addition to this notification, the Service Code drop-down menu can be used to select a service code to send the notification on. (RM)
D582895-A (Envision Only) - The E-Notification screen (System > Parameters menu option and utilizing the Event Types button on the Settings tab) has been updated to include the Event Type Template Language drop-down menu. Utilizing this drop-down menu allows E-Notifications to be modified per Language that is established in the Total Recall application. (RM and DM)
D588930 (Envision Only) - The option for Receive Notification for Events That are Not FBU Specific as been added to the File > Current User menu option. When this option is enabled, the user is going to be able to receive the E-Notification emails for the notifications that are not specific to a particular FBU. (RM and DM)
D600022 (Envision Only) - The Quantity field has been added to the Requestor Work Order Line Created E-Notification. This field will provide how many work order lines are on the notification (RM and DM)
D590641-B: A new security permission has been added to the File > User Maintenance > User Groups menu option for User Teams. This permission is associated to the User Team drop-down menu that is listed in the File > User Maintenance > Users drop-down menu. This permission has three settings: No Access, Ready Only, Full Access (RM and DM)
D601679 (Envision Only) - The options for Disable License and Disable All have been added to the File > Handheld > Handheld License Setup screen. When the Disable License option is selected, the handheld license that is selected will be removed from the listing. When the Disable All option is selected, all handheld licenses will be removed from the listing (RM And DM)
D596561 (Envision Only) - Updated process to run the Total Recall Envision Deployed Upgrade on the workstations. (RM and DM)
D591039-A (Envision Only) - An option for Access to Web API has been added to the File > User Maintenance > Users menu option and can either be enabled or disabled for each user. Enabling this option would provide the user with the ability to use an internet browser to browse to the Web API (RM and DM)