Prospective Client CRM
D624839 - Added the ability to set up look up values for the quote description.
D624840 - The Terms and Conditions can be linked to a quote description look up value.
D624837-A - When a new quote is created the expiration date is automatically set to thirty days from the create date and the status is set to open.
D624834 - A new E-Notification has been added to the system for New Prospective Client Created on the Web. This notification is located in the System > Parameters menu option when going to the Settings tab and selecting the Event Types button. This notification will be sent to internal Total Recall Envision users when a Prospective Client has entered a quote on the web and a new Prospective Client has been added to the Manage > Customer > Prospective Client menu option.
D624704 - A few updates have been made to the Manage > Customer > Prospective Client screen, including removing the address tabs when editing or creating a new prospect, the Save button does not close the prospective client screen so more updates can be made, and the number of results is displayed in the grid when performing a search.
D625765 - It is easier than ever to see which quotes have been accepted at a glance. The Prospective Client screen has also been updated with summary information indicating how many Prospective Clients are listed int he screens, how many listed have been converted into Customers in the system, how many quotes there are among all the Prospective Clients listed, the total amount quoted, how many of these quotes have been won and the total amount of won quotes.
D625350 - Use the WO Notes Manually Edited event to track updates to the notes that PRINT on the work order and to the notes that do NOT print on the work order. The system-level WO Notes Manually Edited event will record the work order that was updated, the system user who updated the note, which note was updated for that order and the date/time stamp of when the work order note was updated.
D625465 - When accessing the Manage > Customer > Prospective Client menu option and a quote is being established for the Prospective Client, when a quote line is being added or edited, the Price Range button is available to select.
D625353 - Use the Do not update service time option on the Scheduled Order Run tab to disable edits to the Service Hours field. When the Do not update service time option is enabled, the value set in the Servia Hours field will be locked in that scheduled order, accordingly.
D625342 - The next time the Prospective Client is opened, the Assigned User query parameter at the of the Prospective Client screen will use the last Assigned Username selected to perform the last Prospective Client query - including a blank User to query across all Users and include no specific Assigned User. The Call Back date query parameter will work in a similar way the next time the Prospective Cline screen is opened if the last Prospective Client query performed used a blank Call Back Date. The next time the Prospective Client screen is opined, the Call Back Date will be blank If any date was used for the last time a Prospective Client query was performed - whether int he past or in the future - the Cal Back date will automatically be set to today's date the next time the Prospective Client screen is opined. The Prospective Client query will also support searching Prospective Clients by Create Date. The Crate Date column is included in the results arid and can be used for sorting by clicking on the column name, as needed.
D625807 - When converting Prospective Clients to Customer accounts, the Billing Contact and Delivery Contact can be created as Authorized Contacts for the new Customer account automatically when the FBU option Add Authorized Contacts when converting prospective clients is enabled. PLEASE NOTE: When the Add Authorized Contacts when converting prospective client’s option is enabled for an FBU Prospective Clients must be saved with a Billing Contact, a Billing Email, A Delivery Contact and a Delivery Email address. Billing email address must be unique for Billing addresses in the Prospective Clients table and Delivery address must be unique for Delivery addresses in the Prospective Clients table. Saving any Billing Email or Delivery Email address that matches any existing Authorized Contact’s web User ID will not be allowed in the system to prevent unauthorized account access in the Envision Web application.
D625811-A - When the Prospective Client accepts the Quote in the Envision Web application the quote is updated to the Won status.
D625793 - Use the Service Code Multiplier setup on Miscellaneous codes at the system level to enter multiple descriptions and a multiplier for each that will be used to calculate the total quantity on a work order or quote line item.
D625458 - When accessing the Manage > Customer > Prospective Client menu option, the Create Date range search feature has been added.
Work Order Management
D625049 - When a new work order is created the hours to service is set with the Default Hours to Service from the FBU.
D624866-F - New Options on the work order type and work order status for Email COD on status change in dispatch. When these options are selected, and the work order is updated through Dispatch scanning an email will be sent to the verified email address.
D624785 - Events are recorded when changes are made to the schedule of a job. Also display an alert if a job schedule fails to update.
D624603 - Support the Increment Cycle on Holiday Skip option for scheduled work orders that are on scheduled jobs and processed through the Scheduled order manual run.
D624568 - When the System > Functional Business Unit option is selected for Only Show Destruction Bin Actions, when accessing the File > Work Order > Edit Work Order menu option, the Reference 1 – 15 fields will not be displayed in the work order when viewing the work order lines.
D624542-A - When accessing the File > Work Order > Edit Work Order menu option to see the listing of work orders, the Project field has been added and this indicates the Project that the work order is assigned to.
D625456 - When accessing the File > Current User menu option and going to the User Options tab, the option for Show Message for No Lines when Exiting Work Order has been added.
D625207 - Scheduled order service history is recorded in the system using increments of one (1) minute to ensure the most accurate service time and arrival time estimates. Job servile history will record one (1) minute increments and estimate average service time for the scheduled order accordingly.
D625802 - The Hours to Service field on the Miscellaneous tab of a Miscellaneous service code is used to automatically set the manual work order's hours to service value to be used when estimating arrival/departure time for that order. The work order line using a Miscellaneous service code with an Hours to Service value will set the Hours to Service value for the work order in the WO Notes tab according to (wo line quantity * Hour to Service) value. PLEASE NOTE: The Hours to Service value for a Miscellaneous code will not affect any Scheduled Order's Hours to Service that uses that code but the Miscellaneous code's Hours to Service value will affect the 'real' work order created when that Scheduled Order is executed in the system. A Work Order's Hours to Service value will be set according to any Hours to Service value set for the Scheduled Order that has been executed (when applicable) and the total sum of (Quantity * Hours to Service) for each work order line using a Miscellaneous code with an Hours to Service value.
D624132-D - New FBU Settings have been put in place to manage which customer's work order types are available when submitting web orders and Destruction orders. The Show only destruction WO types for destruction web orders and show all destruction WO types for destruction web orders options are available in the main Envision program.
D625581 - When in a work order, the Notes that Do Not Print on Work Order section in the Work Order Header has been increased in size to be able to see more information without scrolling through the notes.
D625513 - Added the ability when in a work order to be able to select the first checkbox for the items that need to be selected, hold down the Shift key on the keyboard, and select the last item that needs to be selected, selecting all items in the middle at the same time.
D625764 - Use the Address Map section of the scheduled calendar to plot the services scheduled on the Schedule Calendar in relation to the target address entered, within the # of miles specified.
Customer Management:
D624900 - Use the Item QBE button in the Customer screen to open the Item QBE screen for that customer, using the customer's default Item QBE settings (Storage Code, Item Type) using the last known Item QBE settings and options.
D625524 - When accessing a customer through the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu option, if the customer was converted from a Prospective Client, the option for Prospective Client is going to be listed and can be selected to see the Prospective Client account.
D624866-A - Added the ability to verify an email address for customers.
D624423-A - The Miscellaneous section of the Customer Default 1 tab in the Customer screen is accessible for setting the Number of months to restrict invoice search setting regardless of other software license agreement settings in the Envision application.
D622583-A - The System > Authorized Contact Group menu option has been updated with the option Select All Bins for Service on the Web Actions tab. When this option is enabled and the user logs into the Envision Web application and selects the Service Bin button, the option for Select All Bins for Service is going to be displayed to the user to be able to place all bins into the cart for service at the same time.
D624422-B - When accessing the System > Authorized Contact Group menu option, the Web Actions tab has been updated with the option for Print Invoice Report. When this checkbox is selected, the users assigned to this group now have the ability to print the PDF version of the invoice from the Envision Web page. Users who are assigned to a group with this option disabled will be able to view the information regarding the invoice (given that the permission View Invoices is selected) but will not be able to print the PDF report.
D624423-A - The option for Number of Months to Restrict Invoice Search has been added to the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu option. When this option is selected and the user is on the Envision Web application utilizing the Reports > Invoice Reports menu option, the date range is only available for the user to go back the respective number of months that is entered into the field on the customer.
D624843 - A new button for converting a prospective client into a customer has been added to the prospective client edit screen.
D599577 - The E-Notifications, which are listed in the System > Parameters menu option on the Settings tab when selecting the Event Types button, now have the fields available for Message Header and Message Footer. These fields are utilized to provide a header and a footer, respectively, to the body of the email that is being sent to the customer. The order of the body of the email would be Message Header, Message Template, then Message Footer.
D625374 - When searching for Customers using the Customer QBE search, Customers returned in the search results at the bottom that are marked Discontinue Service will be highlighted, similar to the way Customer records are displayed the Select Customer screen.
D625190 - The customer Report Settings screen includes the Batch Summary Report settings section for showing/ hiding specified fields for that customer on the batch summary report including Print Customer ID, Suppress Total Sub Report, Show Signature Block, Suppress Address 2, Show Site Description, Show Next Date, Show Frequency and Show WO Notes That Do Not Print. Also included are Suppress Collection settings for the Work Order and Web Work Order reports. PLEASE NOTE: If the scheduled order frequency should be displayed on the Batch Summary report, the specified windows account for running the report must have access the msdb database in SQL Server with DataReader, DataWriter, SQLAgentOperator, SQLAgentReaer and SQLAgentUser roles enabled in the Microsoft SQL Server security settings.
D625087-A - When manually verifying the Email address for the Customer account in the system by checking the Verified option in the Envision client application, the Verified Source int he verified email table will indicate "Envision" IF the Verified checkbox is unchecked manually using the Envision client application, the Verified Source int he verified email table will be removed and the email address can be verified again, as needed.
D625438-B - The Prompt for verified email address when sending web order is included in the All-Programs tab in the Functional Biasness Unit (FBU) settings. PLEASE NOTE: If a single web user has access to the Envision Web application across multiple customer accounts in the system, the Envision Web will check to see that a verified email address is on record for that web user when a web order is sent for a customer account in the FBU with the Prompt for verified email address when sending web order option is enabled for that FBU. Setting, editing or verifying the mail address for one of the customer accounts does not set/edit/verify any other email address for any other customer account in any other FBU when a web order is sent. The web user may have to set/edit/verify the email address when sending additional orders for different accounts in the same or across different FBUs where the Prompt for verified email address when sending web order option is enabled , or the web user can set/edit/verify the email address for each account in the General User Settings page if access to Edit User has been granted in the Envision on Web application.
D608407 - When searching for customers using the Select Customer screen, use the Warehouse dropdown menu to filter the list of customers by the selected Warehouse.
D624878 - When accessing the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu option, the Default 2 tab now has the Prompt for Volume in Envision Web option. When this option is enabled on the customer, this indicates to the Envision Web application that this customer needs to be prompted for the fullness of the bin.
D625485 - When utilizing the Search Customer screen (binocular button on most screens through the program), ensure that the Warehouse drop-down menu at the top of the screen defaults to the user's default Warehouse.
D625509 - When accessing the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu option and selecting the RoadNet Delivery Window button to establish delivery time windows for the customer, the options for M, T, W, T, and F (indicating Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday) will automatically be enabled.
D625336 - When managing Customer Delivery, Customer Billing, Customer Additional and Site addresses, geolocation coordinates can be manually updated or set when a specified Address is not found using the Validate Address button. Press the Edit button to set specific Latitude and Longitude coordinates for the Address specified.
D625544 - When importing Customer accounts using the File > Utilities > Import menu option, all Customer-level User Defined Fields are accessible when mapping fields found in the import file a destination in Total Recall including Report Group, Post Group and User Defined 1 - 13.
D625702 - The New Work Order button on the Customer screen can be used to quickly create a new work order for the customer using a single click.
Billing / Invoicing and AR Management:
D624910 - New fuel surcharge type added for Percentage of work order total amount by code. The Apply Fuel Surcharge service code option is now available for all service code categories.
D624730 - The invoice grid supports the ability to select a consecutive range of invoices using shift and left click.
D624721 - Open Edge has been added as an additional credit card processor type.
D625703 - Use the Preview Invoice right-click menu option in the View Invokes screen to quickly preview the invoice, bypassing the report selection screen and pressing the Preview button in the Print Invoice screen. PLEASE NOTE: The invoice that will be previewed with the Preview Invoice right-click menu option is the default Invoice report selected for the specific customer or the default FBU invoice report. A default report must be set at either the Customer or at the FBU level in order to preview automatically from the right-click menu any report without selecting any specific report first. If no default invoice report is selected for the Customer or at the FBU, then no report will be previewed for the selected invoice.
D625598 - An option has been added to the System > Parameters menu option for Attach Image When Emailing Invoice. When this option is selected and the user is utilizing the Billing > View Invoices screen to email invoices to the customer, the PDF of the invoice is automatically going to be attached to the invoice, skipping the process of needing to manually attach the PDF to the invoices prior to emailing. PLEASE NOTE: Since this is a System Parameters option, when this option has been enabled, please ensure that all users completely close out of the Envision application and log back in to ensure that the option is being recognized as being enabled.
D625308 - Payment Types button is available in the FBU Settings tab. The Payment Types button can be used to configure the Check payment type to process ACH payments using OpenEdge as well as configuring Credit Card payment Types for processing payments using OpenEdge.
D625540-A - When performing a Credit Batch using the Billing > Payment Batch menu option and selecting the Add Credit Batch option, when the information is added and the batch is posted, the Billing > Payments QBE type of transaction is going to reflect the Billing > Payment Type Payment Type marked as Credit.
D625420 - Use the Invoice Auto Email Setup to automatically email closed invoices after a specified number of days using the Envision Email Service. The Envision Email Service can also be used to apply Late Fees to closed invoices that have not been paid. PLEASE NOTE: Late Fees assessed on the account using the Envision Email Service will be applied to the account on a new invoice, created by the service. There will be no invoked run number for this invoice. Which original invoice has been assessed which late fee invoice will be tracked i the system. The system is designed to apply one late fee on an original invoice only once. A Late Fee invoice is not eligible for a late fee, even if it is not paid and becomes late itself. Also note that only Closed invokes are eligible for auto email activity and only Closed invoices are eligible for any late fee assessment.
D625419 - The Auto Bill option has been moved from the Customer Defaults 2 tab to the Auto Bill Settings section of the Billing 3 tab. Automated convenance processing fees for auto bill accounts can also be set up here.
D625517 - When accessing the System > Warehouse menu option, the options for Credit Card Processor and Check Processor have been added to each Warehouse. This provides the facility with the ability to have different processors per Warehouse.
Inventory Management
D624875 - Added a parameter for description to the Retention Code API.
D624927 - Two new E-Notifications have been added to the system for Item Check in and Item Check Out. These notifications are located in the System > Parameters menu option when going to the Settings tab and selecting the Event Types button. These notifications will be sent to internal Total Recall Envision users when the Item Check in or Item Check Out process is performed.
D624925 - Each time an item is checked out using the item check out process the item's accessed count is incremented by 1.
D624926 - The name out field has been added to the field history for the item table in order to track when the name out on an item has been changed.
D624897 - When calculating cubic feet using the item reference fields the Options tab int he Item Type screen contains the Round to nearest cubic foot option. When the system will calculate the items, cubic feet using the reference fields specified to round the calculated cubic feet to the nearest whole number.
D624899 - The item's Cubic Feet is shown in the Item QBE screen for each item returned in the query.
D441295-A - Legal Hold Rules are included with the System menu.
D625369-A - When transferring items to a new department, use the Include child items to also update the child items assigned to the selected parent items, when applicable) to the same department selected on the previous screen of the Item Transfer process.
D625548 - When scanning Onsite Location barcodes if the scanned barcode has a Description, it will be shown in the item's Onsite Location field. If not, the scanned barcode value will be shown instead.
Driver Processing / Warehouse Scanning:
D624866-B - New feature for verifying email addresses on a dispatch batch.
D624714 - When viewing the work order details display the customer or site delivery windows.
D624467 - When accessing the Warehouse Operations > Assign Case menu option, the wording for 0 of 3 items have been scanned has been added. This indicates to the warehouse person performing the scan about how many items are left to scan on the work order that are being assigned to a case.
D624546-A - Updates have been made to the handheld scanner to send the information regarding the Driver Log to the system when the batch is submitted.
D624518 - When attempting to log into the Envision application on the handheld scanner, if the handheld scanner version was upgraded but not the application, a message is going to be received indicating The Service Version does not Meet the Minimum. This indicates that the handheld scanner version needs to be upgraded to meet with the main application’s version.
D624878 - With the Envision option enabled on the customer (Manage > Customer > Edit Customer) for Prompt for Volume in Envision Mobile enabled, the handheld scanner has been updated to prompt for the fullness of the bin for these customers only, if the System > Parameters menu option in the handheld scanner for Enable Shred Volume is disabled. PLEASE NOTE: If the System > Parameters menu option in the handheld scanner for Enable Shred Volume is enabled, all Destruction Bin orders that are serviced are going to be prompted for the fullness of the bin as each of the bins are scanned. If this option is disabled, then only the customers that have the Envision Core option of Prompt for Volume in Envision Mobile selected in the Manage.> Customer > Edit Customer menu option will receive the prompt for the fullness of the bin when the bin is being scanned.
D624665 - When on the Process Orders screen when processing the batch (viewing the Deliver, Pickup, New Bin, Service Bin, Sign etc. buttons), the driver now has the ability to click and hold the phone number and select the Phone option to open the phone app on the scanner to call the phone number on file for the work order.
D624665-A - An option has been added to the handheld scanner in the System > Parameters menu option for Android Show Trimble Map Navigation. When this option is selected, the user is going to be prompted for a default application to use the navigation system. The user can select.
D625107 - The Batch Summary report in the Envision Mobile application can be viewed for a specific work order and is now available using the Work Order Details button in the Open Batch screen, by using the Batch Summary menu option in the Customer Orders screen and by using the Details menu option in the Process Orders screen.
D624520 - When the Enable Geographic Location system option is enabled in the Envision Mobile application, the System screen contains the Current Geographic Location button. Press the Current Geographic Location button to quickly capture and sync the devices’ current geographic location and view it in the Device Locations screen in the Envision Dispatch application. PLEASE NOTE The Total Recall Envision Mobile application must be granted permissions to the device Location in the App Permissions screen in the device settings in order to retrieve the geographic location to ensure successful sync to the Envision web service and ultimately be displayed in the Envois Dispatch application.
D625087-B - When verifying an email address on the Dig nature of the Envision Mobile app, the Verified Source column in the Verified Emails table will be set with "Envision Mobile."
D624817 - When reviewing scan data impiety history in the man Envision application, the Envision Mobile version number will be recorded for the import batch header for all Warehouse Ops, Picklist and Dispatch Batch data sync events.
D625533 - Enforce the Productivity Start Time is set before setting an End time. IF the End button is pressed before the Start button, the System Message is displayed.
D625795 - When reloading the batch, any Arrival Time and/or Departure Time that were previously recorded in and synced from the Envision Mobile application are included with the reloaded Delivery Batch data.
D625795 - When using the Item Audit screen in Audit by Work Order mode the New Location is prompted after scanning the starting Work Order. When using the Item Audit screen in Audit by Work Order mode the New Location is not prompted after scanning the starting Location. All items successfully verified in the Item Audit screen will report the Item verified successfully message on data sync. Items relocated to any New Location or added to the starting Location will be relocated accordingly and report the Item relocated successfully message, as needed.
D622570-B - The Driver Log contains the Fuel Cost field.
D624982 - Additional parameters for customer, address, and site added to the email template for the driver arrival email.
Dispatch Operations
D625300-A - Update to the Optimize with MapQuest feature to use the latest data format for optimizing and sequencing orders for a route/batch according to the developer's most recent best practices and recommendations.
D625347 - Use the FBU option Enable dispatch departure time on work order level is used when processing dispatch batches in the Envision Mobile application. This option will indicate that the Arrival Time and Departure Time buttons in the Envision Mobile application will record corresponding timestamps to be used for calculating work order service time - including scheduled order service history - when scan data is synced instead of running the service time clock when the work order is open in the Envision Mobile application. PLEASE NOTE: Envision Mobile application settings will determine if Arrival Time is set automatically when opening the work order in the Process Orders screen or if the Arrival Time button is accessible and will be used to set the Arrival Time instead. Timestamping the departure time cannot be done using the Departure Time button for any work order without setting an arrival timestamp with the Arrival Time button for that work order. The FBU option Enable dispatch departure time on work order level is designed for use with the Envision Mobile application setting Enable dispatch arrival time.
D625280 - Use the Clear Arrival/Completed option when right-clicking on work order ethne Dispatch Explorer screen to remove any Arrival and Completed times from the specific work order, if any times have been set for this work order.
D625155 - Use the Est. Arrival Email Window Minutes to set the number of minutes added to the Estimated Arrival Time to test the Latest Date and Latest Time parameters for any Driver Arrival Email Template that uses the Latest Date ($4 $) and/or Latest Time ($5$) parameters.
PLEASE NOTE: If any changes are made to the Est. Arrival Email Window Minutes value, please be sure to save the change to the Dispatch Group Settings page and close any instance of the Dispatch Explorer screen that may be open at this time. To send a Driver Arrival email to the customer with the most recent estimated arrival window calculation, open the Dispatch Explorer screen and query for the work order / batch. Select the work order to be emailed and use the Email Selected Orders Est.Arrival menu option and then select a Driver Arrival Email template that uses the Latest Date ($ 4$) and/or Latest Time ($5$) parameters.
D625467 - When accessing the Dispatch > Dispatch Explorer menu option and optimizing the batch using the right-click menu options, ensure that the batch is not collapsed so the work orders can still be reviewed when the optimization is completed.
D625457 - When accessing the Dispatch > Dispatch Explorer menu option and a batch has been created for a grouping of work orders and the Device Interface screen is being reviewed, the Email option has been added to the screen so the Batch Summary report can be emailed to the driver(s) assigned to the batch.
D625440 - When in the Dispatch > Dispatch Explorer menu option and viewing the work orders, double-clicking on the work order in the listing will open the work order or the scheduled work order, respectively.
D625441 - When in the Dispatch > Dispatch Explorer menu option, when the optimization of the orders is being performed, if there is slack time (the driver would be arriving prior to the customer opening), then a prompt is going to be received to the user letting them know.
D625443 - When managing the dispatch batches and optimizing routes, the system will require that a batch is assigned to a Driver before the estimated arrival email can be sent. The system will also check that the work order has been optimized before emailing the estimated arrival email for the selected orders when using the Email Selected Orders Est. Arrival menu option at the batch line level or for all orders in the batch when using the Email Batch Est. Arrival menu option at the batch header level.
D625773 - Use the Show WO Comments instead of Description option in the Dispatch Group Settings screen to display the Work Order Comment's (customer notes that do NOT pint on WO) in the Dispatch Explorer, If this option is not selected, then the Work Order Description (customer notes that DO print on WO) are shown in the) in the Dispatch Explorer.
D625764-A - The Scheduled Calendar is updated with filters for WO Type, day of the week and frequency.
PLEASE NOTE: Filtering the scheduled Calendared to return only the selected WO Type will update the total number of orders as well as any Estimated Revenue for the calendar date, according to the WO Type filter applied and may not reflect the total number or orders, Estimated Revenue or capacity for that day as long as the WO Type filter is applied. PLEASE NOTE: Filtering the scheduled Calendared to return only the selected day of the week will update the total number of orders as well as any Estimated Revenue for the calendar date, according to the filter(s) r applied and may not reflect the total number or orders, Estimated Revenue or capacity for that day as long as the filter(s) is applied.
PLEASE NOTE: Filtering the scheduled Calendared to return only the selected frequency will update the total number of orders as well as any Estimated Revenue for the calendar date, according to the filter(s) r applied and may not reflect the total number or orders, Estimated Revenue or capacity for that day as long as the filter(s) is applied.
D625466 - Use the Dispatch Group setting Track destruction bin activity variance to put a work order into Review status if any additional destruction bin service activity (initial delivery, tip/swap service or final pickup) is added to the order by the driver.
D625443-A - Ensure that all work orders in a Dispatch Batch get assigned with an estimated arrival time when optimizing with Trimble Maps and using Time Windows - even if different work orders on the same batch use the same service address.
D625418 - Use the Dispatch Group setting Track work order notes by device user to include the driver who added the work order note in the Envision Mobile application.
D624645 - A report has been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Unpaid Invoices. When this report is selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the invoices that have an amount due are going to be listed in this report.
D624934 - Two reports have been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Missed Stops This Week and Missed Stops Today. When these reports are selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the work orders that were due this week or today respectively but have not been serviced are going to be listed in this report.
D624936 - A report has been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Bins/Consoles Deployed. When this report is selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the bins/consoles that are at a customer are going to be listed in this report.
D624937 - A report has been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Bins/Consoles Available. When this report is selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the bins/consoles that are not assigned to a customer are going to be listed in this report.
D624939 - A report has been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Total Accounts Receivables. When this report is selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the total amount due by customer is going to be listed in this report.
D624866-D - A report has been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Unverified Email Counts. When this report is selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, a count of the unverified emails is going to be listed in this report.
D624934 - Three reports have been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Estimated Revenue by Route, Estimated Revenue by Route for Current Month and Estimated Revenue by Route For Next Month. When these reports are selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the total estimated revenue, revenue for the current month, or revenue for the next month respectively is going to be listed in this report.
D624650 - Reports have been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Accounts Receivable. There are multiple reports depending on how many days the report should be run for. When this report is selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the customer and amount due for the specific number of days is going to be listed in this report.
D624938 - A report has been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Orders Marked as Notes Added. When this report is selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the work orders that are in the status set for Notes Added in the Dispatch Group are going to be listed in this report.
D624546 - A report has been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Driver Scanner Log Information by Batch. When this report is selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, driver scanner log information is going to be listed in this report.
D624517 - The Web Work Order report has been updated to include Seal Barcodes in the work order line section of the report.
D624756 - Allow report queries to still be exported when a user’s security level for report query is set to read only.
D624662 - Item Type picker can be selected as a field type for report query parameters.
D624645 - A report has been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Quotes Past 30 Days. When this report is selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the quotes that are over 30 days old.
D624646 - Two reports have been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Prospects This Month and Prospects This Week. When these reports are selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the Prospective Clients, who are listed in the Manage > Customer > Prospective Clients menu option, that have a call back date this month or this week, respectively, will be displayed when the report is run.
D624648 - A report has been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Expired Customer Contracts. When this report is selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the listing of contracts that are expired, based on the customer’s Contract Expires field, are going to be listed. This field is located in the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu option on the Billing 2 tab.
D624649 - A report has been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Expired Customer Purchase Orders. When this report is selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the Purchase Order Numbers that have expired on the customer, based on the PO Expires field on the customer, will be listed. This value is located in the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu option on the Billing 2 tab.
D624657 - A report has been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Boxes Auto Bill Customers. When this report is selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the customers who have the Auto Bill option enabled in the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu option are going to be listed in the results.
D624680 - A report has been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for New Leads from Website. When this report is selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the quotes that have been received throughout the week are going to be listed in this report.
D624681 - A report has been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for New Customers This Month. When this report is selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the customers that have been added to the Total Recall Envision system within the past 30 days are going to be displayed.
D624682 - Two reports have been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Quotes Expiring by End of Month and Quotes Expiring by End of Next Week. When these reports are selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the listing of quotes that are going to expire that were created within the next month (30 days) and within the next week (7 days) are going to be displayed, respectively.
D624683 - Three reports have been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Customer Contracts Expiring In 30 Days, Customer Contracts Expiring in 60 Days, and Customer Contracts Expiring In 90 Days. When these reports are selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the customers that have contract dates (the Contract Expires field in the Manage > Customer > Edit Customer menu) expiring within the next 30, 60, and 90 days, respectively, are going to be displayed.
D624631-A - When using the Metrics View in the Report Query screen the Value displayed is a count of records, by default. The field displayed in the Metrics View can instead be configured to display a sum by running the query in the Reports Query screen and specifying the Metric Sum Column, the Metric Prefix and/or Metric Suffix columns, accordingly. Instead of a count of customers with an unapplied payment balance, for example, the Metrics View can show the sum of unapplied payments.
D624684 - A report has been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Customers with Unapplied Amounts. When this report is selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the customers with unapplied amounts (over payments where the amount can be used on other invoices) are going to be displayed, along with the amount of the overage.
D624685 - A report has been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Sale Entries Made This Month. When this report is selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the note entries that have been made in the Manage > Customer > Prospective Client section on the Prospective Clients themselves will be listed for the past 30 days’ worth of entries.
D624686 - Two reports have been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Customer Tasks Due This Month by User and Customer Tasks Due This Week by User. When these reports are selected, and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the tasks, which is the last button in the toolbar, that need to be completed by the end of the month and the end of the week, respectively, are going to be displayed.
D624687 - Two reports have been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for FBU Tasks Due This Month by User and FBU Tasks Due This Week by User. When these reports are selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the tasks, which is the last button in the toolbar, that need to be completed by the end of the month and the end of the week, respectively, are going to be displayed.
D624689 - Two reports have been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Box Inventory and File Inventory. When these reports are selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected and the inventory for boxes and files, respectively, are going to be displayed. There is a filter at the top of the report as well in which a specific customer range can be input in to only display the boxes or files, respectively, for that customer range.
D624968 - Use the Email Images button in the FBU Settings tab to import images into the system for use with email templates sent from the Envision application - including invoice, quote and estimated arrival email templates. Use the"$" symbol before and after the image's Key value as a placeholder to indicate where in the template the image will be located.
D624690 - A report has been added to the Report > Report Query menu option for Boxes Eligible for Destruction. When this report is selected and the Open Query button is selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, then the Query button is selected, the items that are eligible for destruction as of today’s date (the item has an expire date of today’s date or less) will be displayed in the report.
D625792 - The Metrics View in the Report Query screen has been updated with the look and feel of a customizable dashboard. Not only can Report Queries be set up to show in the Metrics View and to select which field to show as a metric, but the Metrics View can be customized with color-coded bands and fonts.
D625050 - Two new options have been added to the Report Query right click menu for Add to metrics and remove from metrics.
D625387 - Ranges to record flow down, add, edit and delete events. Use the System > Parameters menu option to open the System-wide Settings screen. The Options tab contains the Enable Price Range Modified Event setting. PLEASE NOTE: DHS recommends that the Price Range Modified event is only enabled temporarily to track changes to the Price Ranges only when further investigation into Price Range modifications are required. The Price Range Modified event has the capability of recording many events at once as changes to the Price Ranges are flowed down to all l customer accounts. When the Price Range Modified event is no longer needed, please be sure to disable the Price Range Modified event in the system settings.
D624905 - When emailing reports form Envision - including invoices, work orders, General Reports, quotes, Dispatch Reports, Warehouse reports, etc. - the Display Name filed can be used to set the from address name that will be displayed in the recipients inbox.
Warehouse Operations:
D624907 - When accessing the Warehouse > Productivity > Track Productivity menu option, the Item field has been added to indicate an Item Barcode Number in which the Productivity can be related to.
D624373-A - When accessing the Warehouse > Picklist menu option, the columns for Floor and Room have been added when searching for items. Selecting the column header will sort the items using this value as well.
D624373-B - The Floor and Room fields are available int the Picklist sort order and can be used to sort the picklist items, as needed.
D624230 - Custom workflow imports will support Product Restock and Product Pull requests using the Product Code and Quantity columns. The File Parse Setup has been updated to include Product Code for identifying which warehousing product should be restocked or pulled.
D625532 - When accessing the File > Import > Workflow History menu option, the FBU search option has been added to the list of available search options. When using this drop-down menu and selecting an FBU, only the results for that FBU (also abiding by the other search criteria) are going to be listed.
D625533-A - field for Maximum Hours has been added.
D625529 - When accessing the Warehouse > Picklist menu option, the search options for Floor and Room have been added to the Search area of the picklist.
D625331 - The available handheld settings are listed in alphabetical order in the dropdown menus found int the Gun Setting Group screen to make it easier to set defaults, barcode formats and barcode reader settings that can be loaded to the Envision Mobile application on the individual handheld devices.
D624784 - Use the Remove selected items form a product right-click menu option in the Item QBE to remove an item's existing product assignment when the item's quantity on hand is at 0.
Client Web
D624866-C - When editing an authorized contact there is a new checkbox to mark the authorized contact’s email address as verified.
D624721-A - Open Edge has been added as an additional credit card processor type.
D624716 - The item’s Onsite Location and Onsite Name Out have been added to the item global edit for Onsite Customers.
D622583 - Enforce that all bins displayed on the page are processed.
D624883 - When sending a web order, only the selected items shown on the send order page that have not been removed by applying the filters on the left side of the Send Order page will be submitted for processing. PLEASE NOTE: If parent items have been removed from the cart by applying filters by item type, department, etc. and only child items remain in the Send Order screen to be submitted, the pop-up message indicating that the necessary parent items must also be submitted in order to fulfill the requested action will also be displayed.
D624422 - When accessing the Reports > Invoice Reports menu option, the Print Invoice button has been added. When this is enabled in the System > Authorized Contact Group menu option in the main application, the user will be able to select this option to print the invoice to PDF from the Envision Web application, without the PDF needing to be attached to the invoice.
D624423 - When the option has been set on the customer to limit the number of months back the invoices can be viewed, the Reports > Invoice Reports menu option has been updated to only allow the calendar options to go back that far in time, as established on the customer.
D624480 - Provide a friendlier and more meaningful message to the user on the web when attempting to request an item that is already pending on the order from another user.
D624132 - When searching for items to review for Destruction requests, the Destruction Review includes a date range for searching for items with Expire Dates set within the range specified.
D624132-A - New FBU Settings have been put in place to manage which customer's work order types are available when submitting web orders and Destruction orders. The Show only destruction WO types for destruction web orders and show all destruction WO types for destruction web orders options are available in the main Envision program.
D624132-B - When searching for items to review for Destruction requests, the Destruction Review includes an option for Exclude Pending which will exclude any item that is currently pending another action in the system and/or pending send order in a web order.PLEASE NOTE: When pending items are expected to be excluded from the Destruction Review results set, the query used to return results must have had the Exclude Pending option enabled. If the pending items should be removed from the current results set, enable the Exclude Pending option and rerun the search, since Pending actions can include both items to be Requested, and/or Sent Off Site from the web.
D624132-C - The Page Size setting is also available in the Destruction Review screen.
D624132-E - Ensure that the Request All for Review and the Remove All options form the Global Actions menu in the Destruction Review results screen will add all eligible records on the page to the web order, accordingly.
D625517-B - When processing credit card payments on the web, the Envision Web application will check to see if the OpenEdge payment processor has been set up for the default warehouse to the customer account for which the current web user's Master Login is assigned. If there is no payment processor set up for the warehouse, or if the customer account does not have a default warehouse assigned then the payment processor set up for the Credit Card payment type for the FBU will be used.PLEASE NOTE: The Payment Processor must be set for the Terminal ID Envision Web. Each web user that logs into the Envision Web should be set with a Master Login of one (1) customer account in Total Recall to indicate which customer account in the system is considered the web user's 'main' account. If a web user has access to only a single customer account in the system that account tis marked as the Master Login for that web user by default. Web users who have access across multiple customer accounts in the system should only have one (1) of these customer accounts marked as the Master Login account.
D625442 - When a prospective client accepts the Terms and Conditions, enters a Name and signs the quote on the View Quote page in the Envision Web, the print button is available to print the quote to the format selected.
D625438 - When the FBU option Prompt for verified email address when sending web order is enabled, the web user will be prompted to confirm/enter an email address to be marked as validated int he system when a web order is submitted if the web user's email address is either rot set or has not already been validated for the customer account. PLEASE NOTE: If a single web user has access to the Envision Web application across multiple customer accounts in the system, Envision Web will check to see that a verified email address is on record for that web user when a web order is sent. Setting, editing, or verifying the mail address for one of the customer accounts does not set/edit/verify any other email address for any other customer account when a web order is sent. The web user may have to set/edit/verify the email address when sending additional orders for different accounts, or the web user can set/edit/verify the email address for each account in the General User Settings page if access to Edit User has been granted in the Envision Web application.
D625291 - Envision Web users can be granted permission to manage Departments for a customer account using the Department Setup option in the Web Access tab for the Authorized User Group.
D625713-C - When the FBU setting Hide web quote signature title is enabled in the main Envision application then the Title field is hidden on the View Quote page in the Envision Web and is not required when the prospective client accepts the services and terms and signs the Quote. The name of the person signing the Quote is still required.
D625713-D - Updated the View Quote page format to be better rendered on mobile devices.
D625618 - Price Breaks set for the Quote line will be displayed accordingly for that service code line item on the View Quote page.
D625530 - The View Quote page has been updated with a customizable layout, grouping services by category in a structured 3-column format using Service Code, Description and Price. Price Breaks are included and formatted/grouped for the appropriate service code. The Quote Description template set up in the main Envision application using the System > Quote Description menu option contains a Notes section that will be displayed below the Series section and above the Terms and Conditions.
D625523 - The View Quote page in the Envision Web will determine which address / contact information to used based on a hierarchical lookup. If there is a value in the Billing Address 1 field for the Prospective Client record, the Billing Address 1, Address 2, Cary State Zip Phoned 1 and Email address will be shown on the View Quote page. If Billing Address 1 is empty but there is a value in the Delivery Address 1 field for the Prospective Client record, the Delivery Address 1, Address 2, Cary State Zip Phoned 1 and Email address will be shown on the View Quote page. If Billing Address 1 is empty and Delivery Address 1 is empty but there is a value in the Additional Address 1 field for the Prospective Client record, the Additional Address 1, Address 2, Cary State Zip Phoned 1 and Email address will be shown on the View Quote page.
D625175 - User setting to change language in the Envision Web. In the current user menu select the Change Language menu option to select in which language the Envision Web application show be displayed.
For the latest release notes, please contact our support team by calling 904.213.0448 or send an email to